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Thread: compensation

  1. #21
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    My wife reckons I have been compensated by being given a ton of free time back

  2. #22
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    First they need to make a playable game. And I have no faith that BB will be able to do that. Everything that is wrong now was wrong and reported on Unity test forums, nothing was fixed before they went live.

    Why should I believe they will fix it now?

  3. #23
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    well, to keep the motivation to play/wait i guess. If you don;t believe they will fix it and within reasonable timeframe, u might as well quit today and save a ton of aggravation

    The only reason most are still around is they like the game and they hope it will get playable. The longer it takes BB to make noticable progress, the harder it will be to retain these players - regardless of answering or not answering posts. The only thing that will count in the longer run (dont think there is a long run available anymore) is proof in game

  4. #24
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    well, to keep the motivation to play/wait i guess. If you don;t believe they will fix it and within reasonable timeframe, u might as well quit today and save a ton of aggravation

    The only reason most are still around is they like the game and they hope it will get playable. The longer it takes BB to make noticable progress, the harder it will be to retain these players - regardless of answering or not answering posts. The only thing that will count in the longer run (dont think there is a long run available anymore) is proof in game
    Weird, on another thread you say the game is running as well now for you as it did before the changes.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I have no chat, I can't send out any explorers, I can't build anything
    I can collect daily log on reward
    this really sux

  6. #26
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Weird, on another thread you say the game is running as well now for you as it did before the changes.
    When i run client it does,

    When i run unity it is a gamble- Soem days it runs ok, other days it doesn't. There doesnt seem to be much logic to it but i will never have said that unity runs well. Between the first deployment and the first update on unity, the update improved performance by something like a factor 3 or 4 - from completely unplayable to "you can play but you won;t enjoy the experience"

    So it is all about what you compare it with-

    Bottom line: The current unity deployment is not fit for purpose and alas i fear it won;t be for a fair while seeing the issues on the table. Even when the biggest loading and performing issues are solved, there are still a ton of conversion glitches to solve but mainly the performance and (non) loading of the game needs to be solved - On top of that there seems to be the mysterious random "hammerman" bug that prevents people from logging in- which ofc is also a killer

    Do i think they did a bad job: Unequivocally yes;
    Should they from a gaming perspective have held back unity : Hell Yes

    But we are where we are and then it is:
    Do you expect flash to be reinstated: No
    Do u think they will solve this quickly: no
    Do u think they are trying: Yes, within the means provided by management

    Basically we don;t have enough information on the decisionmaking process to guage if this was the best solution. Maybe for the team it was, probably for the company it wasn;t - Most likely the company limitations on the team made this situation and as we do not know what the laternatives are or were, makes it difficult to see if they could have done something different.

    Maybe the choices available were Unity or pull plug and this is the result. The only thing to hope if that was the situation, is that they can partially or mostly solve the issues and keep the game running in a viable mode. But maybe they need to make much harder decisions than they made so far and cut out some parts of the game in order for it to run in an acceptable way with unity- call it TSO light- like TSO before all the bells and whistles and cut out the "to star interface" deactivate pvp and/or achievements - whatever to make the basic game run and then rebuild it from there. Or decide to call it a day and put everyone out of their missery

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    New Zealand
    What do the players get who haven't been able to log in since maintenance at the start of August ?

  8. #28
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Great Britain
    i agree with you vigabrand

  9. #29
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by McGregor101 View Post
    What do the players get who haven't been able to log in since maintenance at the start of August ?
    Knowing BB, they cant or dont want to isolate the playergroups involved and will just throw in something extra for all Specific compensation has only been given through support in individual basis AFAIK/can remember. All other cases of mass compensation, everyone got the same bonus regardless of having been impacted or not. I doubt they will change that but we shall see (lets first hope there is a reason to hand out compensation, in other words that things get fixed to the point where they feel it is worth handing out some compensation- The other scenario is they pull plug and no one gets compensated for anything and we all have a load of BB-rage

  10. #30
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    May 2013
    well i would like my prem days back since unity launch the game has been unplayable please respond on this issue Trafffer

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