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Thread: Lots of bugs - kind of stopped attempting to play

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Lots of bugs - kind of stopped attempting to play

    Flooded island
    Provision House, Barracks etc either don't open or when they do only have placeholder icons.
    Geologist there but don't work.
    Probably more problems but can't be bothered to look.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Hi Pookah I'm feeling exactly the same as you. I can load the game and have to wait for the buildings to then load as my island looks empty when my island appears. I'm having several issues too and one of them is the same as yours with the "Place holder" icon but I have it in the boat (the one you load up for weekly provisions). Some of my mines are showing no amount number yet not depleted :/ My global, trade, guild chat tabs are all tiny as well as the quest book tabs and I think some have them have been re-arranged for example my weekly quests used to be at the bottom and now I think they're above my guild quest tab. The graphics on the game seem a little old school for me and not as crisp as they used to before Unity. Also when I send my geologists out and they come back, they are still greyed out but ready for orders. Overall I'm not enjoying the new Unity to be honest and wish we had a choice to revert back to the old system because this one sucks for me. I'm sure lots of other players don't have issues with their games and that's great but me personally, since Unity went live and my game has changed I'm in two minds whether to keep playing at all.

    Forgot to add none of my tabs you can post in is showing any conversations when I know for sure that even conversations from an hour ago will show up and everyone on my friends list is showing as offline when surely some of them will be online
    Last edited by Queen81; 10.08.21 at 09:55.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    if you have issues with live servers, it pays to put im in the right forum, this way there is a much greater risk they get missed when information is gathered across all forums and servers

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Unfortunately until now, i can never login to the new unity server.. Once you login, you will lose the server connection.. and strangely, the shown Avatar upon error is not mine (Avatar Name, Level{}). BB pls fixed this error as it is beyond my control

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