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Thread: [Feedback] Changelog 31.08.2021

  1. #21
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Seriously what planet are you on ?? the game is not even playable. You need to fix it before trying an event.

  2. #22
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Come on. An event to this shtpile? First correct everything and maybe after in 2025 :S

  3. #23
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I can't see any improvement after whatever was done today.

    The game is still stultifyingly slow (making me want to scream and throw something in sheer frustration - it's like being back in the 80s with a very slow internet connection instead of the fast connection that I actually have) and with fuzzy graphics. Most actions, like sending out geologists, take several clicks before anything happens, and a lot of the time the pop up box has jumped so that I find I've clicked the wrong thing - or it's decided that I've clicked whatever was behind the pop up box. There's no chat window or "news" window to confirm what actions you've just done. Still can't see other Guild members (or anyone else) online.

    We were told that it would be sorted in August (this year), and there's less than a week to go.

  4. #24
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I noticed before there can be event since 6th September and I said for myself: "Sure, 6th September 2022, only lunatic can do an event earlier.". And here we are, frustrated by unplayable game. And now we will be even more frustrated because we cant fully participate on event. Well played, BB. Next time just close the game at once, not this painful way.

    Edit: Fixed the month. I was so laughing about this April fool I wrote April instead of September.
    Last edited by mrfatalerror; 25.08.21 at 17:59.

    20th July 2021: TSO died with Unity. RIP.

  5. #25
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    yes yes yes

    it'll be event time soon

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Might seem trivial could the pop-up box when you click on the ship be finished? I get a place holder image in the box where it has the square box, also make the number 0
    green when you have enough items

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Unbelievable to implant an event wenn the game still dont work propperly. What a shame and very disrespectfull to all the players!!!

  8. #28
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Central Region, Scotland
    What is the point in running an event when the game itself is flawed.
    I have guild members unable to chat, trade or play adventures.
    Issues on home island include slow log ins, mail disappearing, chat disappearing, trade disappearing, sub-quests disappearing... yes, it can come back with a refresh, but that is only if you can get logged back in... and the zone refreshes are a nightmare.
    When sending out explorers/geo's, you have to wait until the explorer/geo has been sent before you can send another one. I have over 100 explorers which can take me 30mins to send them all out if i have issues getting online and they are all home at the same time. Clicking on the mail can cause issues as well, but is still very time consuming. The constant issues with graphics where, instead of grass, i get sea, each and every time i move the screen. Zooming out doesn't go as far anymore, so on home island and in adventures, you no longer see the area you wish to see or attack, especially if sending multiple attacks.
    In star menu, having gens, explorers, geo's, buffs, etc going black for no reason other than you have chosen something to use, means you have no idea what you have free and having icons that shouldn't be there... i.e. 70k+ solid sandwiches instead of 70k+ omniseed
    We all have issues with generals changing during selection or sending, unable to retreat generals during attacks, wrong troops being attached to wrong gens.
    Issues with clicking on an item/character and it clicking on something that is underneath the icon instead.

    I used to have a guild of around 30 regular players, you are lucky if there are now 8 who are struggling through this mess YOU have created.
    Please fix all the issues with the game first BEFORE you implement any events.
    Maybe then and only then will you be able to hold onto the players that are still here and maybe able to entice back some you have lost.
    BB are constantly loosing players/customers due to the garbage that settlers has turned into. I personally have been playing for over 8 years and have spent a good deal of money on it, but i am willing to walk away and spend my money elsewhere
    I played settlers 2 on a computer that wasn't even half the spec of this one and i enjoyed it better than i enjoy this right now
    Players have had to put up with garbage gameplay since last November and you are consantly making the game worse.
    Last edited by hairyhowler; 25.08.21 at 21:18.

  9. #29
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Seriously you must have your heads inserted somewhere that lacks oxygen I havent been able to play for weeks now because I am constantly kicked from the game and the zone refresh are like a curse from hell.. and the first thought from you guys is MONEY because that is all the anniversary event is a GEMfest all events should be put on hold and I love events because expecting ppl to be able to do anything while its like this is stupid

  10. #30
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by qawpaw View Post
    game works fine
    All that means is that you was so used to it being crap that how it is now is a improvement to what you had

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