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Thread: [Feedback] Changelog 31.08.2021

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    A list of two fixes?
    And it doesn't even seem to be very severe ones...
    MY god, that isn't even CLOSE to good enough!

  2. #62
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Ferhat56 View Post
    I compared my client version with my unity version. All two versions are exactly the same.
    You need to carefully follow all the instructions on the wiki/forum thread, if you leave anything out (like for example, not renaming the exe file) then the link to the old client will just launch the current unity client.

  3. #63
    Blacktree pollen buff: only highlights ONE building. So until applied you don't know which buildings you've included

    Spacious warehouse; False upgrade

    Bookbinder: False book ready

    EVERY explorer email has to be scrolled to get the items. Result, rarely sending explorers now.

    EVERY EXTRA CLICK or extra scroll causes injuries in the long term.

  4. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Norton_C View Post
    Maybe could somebody educated explain for us laymen why and how Flash client still works so easily on the same island, as it seems, while BB feeds us with this PR crap that it is not possible. It makes me curious, but not enough to do my own research into how different engines operate with the same game database, which is what I suppose is happening - that game database is separate from the engine which runs it? But then I don't understand all the process of translation when suddenly both engins can still access the same game? Anyway, if anyone knowledgeable want's to bother to explain in laymen terms, would be nice.
    I'm not all that edumacated, but it's pretty much what you think:
    The server is a big Puddle filled with Goldfish data. All you need is some kind of Fishing Pole to get them.
    The old Wooden Fishing Pole comes with a terrible risk of deadly fires!
    The New And Improved Fishing Pole is much better; It's made of Snow.

    Still .... not the worst thing the Germans have ever done (someone had to say it)

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Victoria Australia
    ok first response to this is an enraged one " you got to be kidding right ? an event? an event??? the majority of us that are still hanging on hoping to get in CANT GET IN and you are laughingly telling us 'hahahaha sucks to be you the user you cant load an island and cant do a danged thing so you are going to miss out BIG TIME HAHAHAHAHA' thanks very much for this massive MASSIVE slap in the face to the loyal players who have been here since 2012 and try each day to log in but cant dur to YOUR fault not ours!! you stuffed up , WE DIDNT , this is YOUR ERROR and now you are punishing us ????"
    and then a more civilised one " really ? you think it is right to 'celebrate' an anniversary when a majority of us that are still here can not even load our islands ? thats not very fair or nice of you "

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    nice that you are doing fixes
    an event is the last we need @tm - because not all have the a "fine working" game

    what are the minimal technical requirments you suggest BB?

    and think about another update system like C/CD if it is possible

  7. #67
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    when is there going to be a acknowledgment of the problems here, ignoring the problems and us the players is not helping

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Queensland coast, Australia
    Maybe, just maybe this "celebration" is BB's roundabout way of giving the few who can login a farewell "party"? Instead of the minimum requirements being "Level 16 or 25 (or whatever level)", this event will have the minimum requirement of "able to login and find your island above water"!!!

    If you can get in, then maybe a few candles, MINIMAL cake dough and a couple hundred (maybe) balloons across all servers!? Not much of a celebration IMHO!

    Maybe this event version will mix things up and our festival halls will get visited by party crashers and golems too as football players kick pumpkins and chocolate eggs around on the festival hall's rooftop football field?

  9. #69
    Jolly Advisor Kriegor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    still cant log in since aug 4 . So lets have an event. Tell you what, FU
    Last edited by Kriegor; 27.08.21 at 18:26.

  10. #70
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    When I saw mention on chat of a forthcoming event I assumed it was a wind-up. To find it is true is beyond comprehension. Sorry BB but you either have no idea how cross the players are - including all those YOU locked out by an update - or are just plain ignorant, not ignorant of the facts, pure and simple ignorant. I assume the people running the game are the same team that did the VW emission figure manipulation? Head in the sand till caught and then walk away.

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