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Thread: Question for players who use Unity.

  1. #1
    Forum Explorer
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    Question for players who use Unity.

    Ever since the dissaster move to Unity, I havent logged in, simply cause i play games to have fun, not to be anoyed. Since then I have seen litle progress mentioned here, in fact last update is allready allmost a month ago. I have the idea that the people who do play this game now are all on the old client, cant see how this is playable on Unity.
    So I have a question to people who do play on Unity... Is the game playable?
    Does it have any use to try to log in again, or will it be just an extra dissapointment as its still completely messed up?

    I know the BB's claim it is playable, but sadly they lost all credibility with me with the stupid move to Unity while they and the game where totally not ready for it, so I simply dont believe them any more. The fact allmost a whole month went on without any progress or fixes makes me doubt if its worth to even try...

    So what is your opinion?

    Would love to come back and play this game wich has been such a big part of my life last 10 years, but I just dont want to be dissapointed again....
    Life isnt about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself!

  2. #2
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hi Dutch, we do miss you
    I play on unity, it is just about playable for routine stuff, but nothing like it was before the switch. There have been small improvements, which if your just stubborn and do yoga you can put up with. Honestly, whilst I appreciate someone at BB is trying, progress is so slow and there is so much to fix, and the game is still hemorrhaging players, or like you they are just staying away till the game is back to something like it was.
    I'm probably going to put my island back to sleep now the `event' is over and only log in again when the next update is done , but again I don't think it will be enough to come back and play `properly' . Sorry I can not be more upbeat DD, those on test may have better news ...
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  3. #3
    Jolly Advisor
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    Nov 2014
    I tried several browsers and Opera GX outperforms everything for me, goes from virtually unplayable in Chrome to tolerably playable in GX, still nowhere near original flash tho

  4. #4
    Treasure Hunter
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    Feb 2014
    I have no serious problems - haven't for a while - when the game was busy during the Event there were a few hiccups - but before & since, connectivity has been slower than it used to be but nothing serious and I don't get thrown off unless I leave the game for a while with no activity. There are all the minor irritations that haven't been corrected yet but I barely notice those now. I did try the Client again but went back to Unity as the improvement was negligible. I play daily more or less as I used to: explorers in & out, buffing, 1 adventure of my own & 1 LS.
    I think there are more players like me but we are the silent ones?
    I play on Chrome.
    Last edited by Rosejane; 27.09.21 at 11:06.

  5. #5
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DutchDuty View Post
    I know the BB's claim it is playable, but sadly they lost all credibility with me with the stupid move to Unity while they and the game where totally not ready for it, so I simply dont believe them any more. The fact allmost a whole month went on without any progress or fixes makes me doubt if its worth to even try...
    Hello DutchDuty.

    The last update was indeed almost a month ago (31.08.2021) and included some critical & bug fixes before the event started.

    We didn't have any updates during the event, but that doesn't mean the Dev Team wasn't working. At that time, we had two updates on the test server (13/09/2021 and 24/09/2021). Soon the update will be rolled out to our Live servers and all the details will be available.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post
    Hello DutchDuty.

    The last update was indeed almost a month ago (31.08.2021) and included some critical & bug fixes before the event started.

    We didn't have any updates during the event, but that doesn't mean the Dev Team wasn't working. At that time, we had two updates on the test server (13/09/2021 and 24/09/2021). Soon the update will be rolled out to our Live servers and all the details will be available.
    I have been on test server since both these updates and can report that the game there is still as messed up as on live servers. Whatever they claim to have 'fixed' is merely tinkering with the edges doing nothing about actual loading times, constant zone refreshing, being able to confidently play adventures, being able to sensibly send out explorers and geologists. Is becoming a joke, just isn't funny.

  7. #7
    Original Serf Kobaca's Avatar
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    Hi buddy. I play on unity but mostly i just login in do some daily little works and log out for all day. I play allot in event and i have to say its not worth it. Its to slow, to much bugs, wrong icons, wrong generals, zone refresh all time and it frezes over time. I lost some items and resources by bugs and repetive quest that you solve and then zone refresh happens and you get it back just to realize you already finish him but the game needed to load again

    But game is a game and you know why we play it. I dont recomend to play it as it only kill your mood and will to play it, its frustrating but i recommend you to login every day for daily rewards and little tasks ( aka preparation for event ).

    Sorry for my bad english but i have to say that this communication with the developers and they not understaning how game works and how to program it dint come yesterday its here for littery years and years so dont bother to much what they say and promise because you know why

  8. #8
    Skilled Student
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    I am playing on Unity. Well, *playing* is not quite the right word. I am maintaining my island, doing the bare minimum, on Unity. Am glad to be actually able to log in at all, after a month of the dreaded hammer man. But I have not attempted to play any adventures yet, because it is so painfully slow and cumbersome. The recent anniversary event made the problem a million times worse, because whenever the game flashes "you have a new quest!" that seems to be the thing that slows it down the most. And gives it hiccups. I'll be clicking things, upgrading or whatever, and suddenly the game freezes... a few mins later there's a Zone Refreshed! notice in the top right hand corner, and everything that I just did in the last few minutes seems to be gone. Ie: collectibles are back when I just collected them, etc.. However, wait a while longer and things are magically put back to right. It's frustrating as all heck, but I can't play on the old client because I can't figure out how to do it. So I persevere, hoping for a miracle.

  9. #9
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    I'm another one on bare island maintenance with unity/Firefox. Getting the same pain with the Quest Book as it pings out "New Quest" notifications seemingly at random, and interrupts whatever you're trying to do. Also openning the Quest Book seems to freeze the game and trigger a Zone Refresh. Although Zone Refreshes also seem to happen at random and kill what you're trying to do.. e.g. send out 3 explorers; get a Zone Refresh; resend the same 3 explorers; get another Zone Refresh etc.

    Interestingly I played some of the event on a laptop I use for video processing (Lenovo P50) and it was much more responsive. Less lag/refreshes/freezes/graphic issues. So if you have a powerul machine, you may get a better experience, although its ridiculous you need such a powerful macine to run what is, basically, a flash game.

  10. #10
    Skilled Student
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    I play on Unity using laptop and Edge, I find for me, this is the best browser.

    It is a pain and has so many bugs I am sure BB has no clue how many Bugs there are, its littered with them. The game is playable for me with alot of patience, yes exploders switch around when sending out and same with geologists. Island takes 10/15 minutes to load so off I go to make a cup of tea ... zone refreshes allover the place and even the odd memory error, plus the odd game responsive.

    I rarely play adventures now unless its YGGs only so generals dont get mixed up. Chat windows jump allover the place when doing adv and you never know which one you end up posting in.

    We can only guess why they did the crazy thing of moving from client to Unity and BB will never tell us, it must be down to money as its a car crash of a switch to Unity, as well as BB would have known about that.

    Halloween event is going to be a nightmare to play with current game full of bugs and I can see loads not bothering.

    Its been over a month since last maintenance fix and that was another car crash, strange the zone refresh, memory leak, generals jumping etc etc (list is endless) and I am not holding my breath for any of the above being fixed at all.... so for me its playable with alot of patience.

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