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Thread: PFB issue: gone

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    PFB issue: gone


    yesterday my friend dropped PFB on my island (paid buff) and I saw you have 16d+ active pfb message. Then suddenly it's gone. So we paid for nothing and I lost my money for the buff.

    Please advice. I'll try to find another PFB but you have to send me PFB back, so I'll have it under my star, I paid for this. Submitted a ticket.


  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Saw a player on Zeus complaining about the same issue 10mins ago

  3. #3
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020
    Please contact our Support Team, they will be able to assist you.

    You can do it here, by using the "Contact Form".

  4. #4
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Excuse me @BB_Trafffer but I submitted a ticket 12hrs ago (mentioned in my post). Ticket #15553321

    I discussed my issue with several players in the same situation, and:
    - if current PFB is still ON and you drop a new one, to renew, you'll lose the PFB.

    Wait when the zone is not buffed, then apply PFB.

    No response from tech support, gems lost. Do you think is it OK, @BB_Trafffer ? Or finally I'll get my PFB or gems back?
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 29.11.21 at 14:33. Reason: double post

  5. #5
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Marengo007 View Post
    I discussed my issue with several players in the same situation, and:
    - if current PFB is still ON and you drop a new one, to renew, you'll lose the PFB.

    Wait when the zone is not buffed, then apply PFB.

    No response from tech support, gems lost. Do you think is it OK, @BB_Trafffer ? Or finally I'll get my PFB or gems back?
    Please wait for the reply from the support team first. I can't comment on something which wasn't decided yet.

  6. #6
    Skilled Student
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    Cairns, QLD, AUS
    The problem is still there after the latest hotix.

    I swapped a PFB with a guild mate last night and it started up as it should.
    This morning I logged in and it was gone !
    Checked my swappers island and it was gone there too.
    Checked my star and it was one short, as it should be IF the PFB was placed.

    I have contacted support and bet I have to wait for days now :-(
    This event is not much fun without PFB, so get this fixed asap please.

    Edit :
    I have now sent 2 tickets to support, as I did not get a confirmation mail with ticket no.
    And the same happened with my second ticket .....
    What a lousy service !
    So, I have lost 3,000 gems and can't even send a ticket ?
    What is my next option then, if your ticket system is faulty ?

    Last edit :
    Support got back to me today. They have returned the PFB to my account today 03.11.21 :-)
    Last edited by Greatdane247; 03.11.21 at 08:57. Reason: Support sent new PFB

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Central Queensland coast, Australia
    Same here. Prem PFB swapped about 12 hours ago, and then went to bed only to wake up to PFBs missing on my island and also my swapper's island. Ubisoft Support Ticket: 15563261

    Perhaps that's why there's a 48 hour "Happy Hour", as we will surely be wanting to invest our money as well as our time in layers of frustration that have not even been considered yet?

  8. #8
    Town Councillor
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    Aug 2014
    Was it PFB placed after previous expired, or before it expired as per original complaint?

  9. #9
    Skilled Student
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    Cairns, QLD, AUS
    Quote Originally Posted by Norton_C View Post
    Was it PFB placed after previous expired, or before it expired as per original complaint?
    PharTing and I swapped shortly before the old ones expired.

  10. #10
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Aug 2019
    It happened to me too! I dropped a pfb on a friend when he had about one hour left on the current pfb. It then said 16+ days (on premium when i dropped the pfb), I then returned to my island and later that night my friend contacted me and said there was NO pfb on his map.

    Putting a pfb on top of a current one has always been possible, they just don't stack and the remainder of the "old" pfb is lost.

    So yea I had one more pfb left and used that too and that worked but I never got the first one that failed back.

    I have written to support (first day of event when all this happened) but I have only got the auto reply so far.

    I don't expect to get anything back from support since they usually want the exact time and a pile of screenshots and I don't do screenshots of every little action in the game. I expect the game to work and I guess that is where my mistake is.

    Edit: Ubisoft Support Ticket: 15554892

    Edit: Well I actually got my PFB back the other day without an trouble. So I guess support is better now than I remember it Good work
    Last edited by Niclin; 04.11.21 at 11:04.

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