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Thread: Chat moderation - should we all be banned?

  1. #1
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Chat moderation - should we all be banned?

    BB, can I please have a response to this. On the server I play on, only long term players so very mature bunch who've played a long time and are valiantly putting up with this buggy, and buggier series of releases

    A moderator came on and very firmly said "No excuses for chat jump mis typing, use the right channel or else" and went on to say this wasn't open for discussion. Reason given was chat only jumps coming back from adventures

    Myself, and a fair number on the realm vehemently disagreed.
    1. Can't post to Trade to seek people while on the adventure
    2. It is VERY painful every time you come back to your island.
    3. No point posting on guild chat as history is.... flakey at best
    4. Just had chat jump from Guild to General when completed a Pathfinder quest

    So BB, do you condone and support this moderator and we'll be banned for chatting in general asking if people want to join our adventure? If the game actually worked and the chat worked then we'd not need to do this.
    Last edited by Torquemarda; 28.10.21 at 10:17.

  2. #2
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    May 2020
    Publicly discussing moderation actions is not allowed in our forum, and you can always contact me privately or through the support team to dispel any concerns you may have.

    However, since I can see this question around, I will cover it here as I have already done it on various chat channels.

    We know about the missing trade chat when you are on an adventure, but that doesn't mean we can allow trade offers on every channel simply because you will see trade offers everywhere on every channel, and we won't be able to stop it.

    Moderators are already going soft on this, simply because we all play the game and know it can happen. However, if you keep repeating this and ignore moderation, you will be punished.

    Trade Chat works when you're not on an adventure, so you can always use it and follow the rules (yes I know it's not comfortable when you're on adventure, but this is how it is now).

    That said, the development team is also working on a fix so this issue will be resolved.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 28.10.21 at 13:53.

  3. #3
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Traffer, thanks for the clarification, although I am somewhat disappointed with the response. I'd have thought in these times of fewer players, and more leaving daily with frustrations a bit less Stick (no need for carrot) would make sense, especially given you acknowledging there is a problem.
    I get the 'repeated infractions' but this instance was for a single mistake that the threat was made.

  4. #4
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    This "Reason given was chat only jumps coming back from adventures," is not true. Chat jumps all the time since the switch to unity.

    I sympathize with you, Torquemanda, I really do. But you can't take any of this too seriously. There is literally NOTHING in game to even tell you that chat rules exist, so how would one know, anyway? The closest thing -- and this is a very weak link -- is a quest to visit the forum. No quest to read or agree to anything, just visit, that's it.

    I think I was playing for a year before I even knew there were chat rules. Never got in any trouble, but that's just luck I guess.

  5. #5
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    edit: nevermind
    Last edited by Niclin; 30.10.21 at 12:28.

  6. #6
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Darkest Dorset
    As Fuseboy said, chat is jumping at random times, not just from map changes. Even worse, the game is still displaying the chat fromthe channel you were in, like a persistence of memory same as the gfx keep repeating even after moving maps. It's not even the default to g1 setting getting involved, tis week I've twice been chatting in g1, with the previous convos still showing, only to find I'm actually posting in the private guild officers' tab and the g1 generated chat isn't updating.
    We are working with an unholy mess here, it's not players who should be getting sanctioned but whoever picked Unity as a "suitable" alternative to Flash.

    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post

    That said, the development team is also working on a fix so this issue will be resolved.

    Sorry, but this has been the standard response for a year now, and things are still as bad as the many reports we submitted when this was on the test server, no improvement and in fact some parts are even getting worse.
    The game has overstressed a gaming rig that had never even spun its fans in anger before this and killed it. I am finally considering making the "unauthorised" return to the client as this seems to be the only option that makes the game even vaguely playable, I urge BB to return to the client officially until a working alternative is available, before everybody else has left in despair, I doubt it will be Unity though, as similar problems plagued Might and Magic X Legacy and Ubisoft did not respond to the many complaints on their forums, they just let it drag on unfixed until they finally closed the registration servers, effectively killing the game off.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 22.11.21 at 14:40. Reason: double post
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

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