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Thread: should i use tokens to level up housing buildings?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    Question should i use tokens to level up housing buildings?

    hello everyone! i'm stiull new to the game. i could really use an infusion of more housing space. however i am left with 2 spaces. i have no licenses and little to no money to buy things. so i was gifted some buildings and i am quite thankful of that. however i needed more room for population. should i use tokens on some of these buildings? is there a rule of thumb as to the most efficient use of tokens on buildings for pop? i could really use some advice. or a website with the this advice... thank you for your time everyone

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    rule of thumb is maximize footprint vs population, so the bigger the capacity of a building the better. Do not waste the tokens on relatively "low population special buildings" like white castle etc

    Rule of thumb on token upgrading is kinda :
    waterbuildings first, they do not impact the space needed for other buildings
    Very expensive/high capacity special buildings next -
    Save up tokens for new buildings in the above categories
    if after all that u have tokens left- spent em on whatever building u like )

  3. #3
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    you can use this link, not sure if there are all the buildings available but its a good start.
    also, you said you are still new to the game but u are left with 2 spaces.. you mean spaces in your island where you can build things? if you are new and you have problems with island space then you must be doing something wrong.

    rule of thumb is trying to get pop buildings that are usually 2x2 space as this one takes the lowest space on your island
    another thing to keep in mind is search for places where you have 3x2 space or something like that, bone churches are really good for that and really cheap to upgrade as a rookie afaik.

    wondrous residences are best pop buildings in the game but they also most expensive, you can also save tokens for that, only red wondrous resi requires tokens and u can get it in bundles or on easter event.

    haunted mansion, thatched cottage, frozen manor, nord residence, tree house are also rly good/expensive buildings you can get either from trade market/events/addys when you get to higher levels.

    water mansion is the best water pop that u can trade for so if u get one u can instantly start upgrading it

    as a low level player your best bet is to buy noble residences(tradable ones dont require license) and replace the ones you built already from building menu to save some licenses, magnificent residence as it gives you 500 pop instant, white/black castles/pirate residences as they are cheap and high lvl guildies usually give away; you might not want to upgrade the cheap ones, but just save tokens for some expensive pop buildings.
    Last edited by Amorp; 28.10.21 at 15:50.

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