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Thread: [Feedback] An update from the “The Settlers Online” Team

  1. #21
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    they might be aware but timer issue is still borked on the new test version

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    bugs and reports.
    still having problems with uplay, yes I have tried all suggestions I've read.
    and when I do log in, its taking an hour to load. (I thought I needed a newer laptop so I used my GFs new PC, nope it still took close to an hour.)
    some days of Halloween event I was unable to even log in.
    I buy Gems and to be honest, I love this game.
    But enough is enough, the earlier version of the game was playable. this is becoming more and more unplayable, and I'm not sure if its even worthwhile playing anymore.
    Couldnt you just revert back to the earlier version and work on the updated version and then release it when the bugs/issues are fixed?

  3. #23
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Norton_C View Post
    Boys what's taking you so long? You've been meddling with it for over a year and the result is still game hardly playable. Although we need to be reassured that you keep working on it, how about trying to explain in layman terms what's going on so that average gamer can make some sense of it. Cause it really looks like some are jokingly saying, there's one coder picking his nose the whole week and occasionally typing a report that they are working. Usually when there is work done it is also seen on the outside, although I get what you are saying that part of the work is invisible on infrastructure. Vague promises of further who knows how many months of optimizing, after saying the same for months and months already, does not really do much for us players. Previously you mentioned servers infrastructure tweaks to up the performance, but not in this update. Has this been done, or abandoned ....... ? ........ Give us some tech background, include us. If community is as important for you as you say treat us as adults and give us some serious data instead of this "ye, we are working, sorry it's not visible" ......... mantra ...

    Anyway ........ I'm really really glad that game has not been shut down and that one day .................. in far far future ........... at last we will be able to play again without wrecking our mental health over the bugs and hassle ............
    Perfectly put. Just the same old words and dangle the carrot of the next event and play on hope. Where is the URGENT action that needs to be made? where are these updates? Six weeks between updates on an unplayable game is ridiculous ( and even when these come they do little to address the big issues ) For the life of me I can not remember ever seeing a game company taking so long to fix a game ( That they broke ) .
    I see nothing here that makes me even tempted to come back at Christmas event and as soon as I shut down the island I'll be leaving the ghost town like all the others,. I'll monitor forum for news and fixes ( From Players NOT the BB bull) but as for playing, it is not play its torture and I've had enough!
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  4. #24
    Skilled Student
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    Jun 2012

    I would be very nice if we would have the explorer mass send option for the christmas event, especially with the performance problems.

    It takes me 20 minutes to send all my explorers... and you optimize rewards for short searches...

    So please, either get us the mass send or do not optimize for short send until the performance issues are resolved...
    Last edited by Jove; 27.11.21 at 01:58.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Central Queensland coast, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post
    Folks, please always read carefully:

    We wanted to assure you that our team is committed to fixing the issues you’ve reported on various platforms, including but not limited to:
    These are just examples. As I mentioned in the past, if you have reported an issue/bug you can be sure we are aware of it.
    Trafffer, That's just it - we do read very carefully!

    Ubisoft/BlueByte collectively share very little of the details, so we are forced to read whatever we can into the vague roadmaps, high-level generic deliverables announcements and an ever-growing collection of additional bugs. When we compare the visible results, the timing of those, the number of knee-jerk emergency-fixes to address oversights, the count and significance of the additional things broken, etc against the little that BlueByte has been shared overall or for any one change log, it is extremely hard to believe there's anyone in the migration/support team there that have any idea of what the key things are which make the game playable and enjoyable.

    The longer things go on, the greater the gap seems to grow between the current set of devs with their game knowledge, compared to the features which (used to) make the game playable and enjoyable.

    As a single example of the devs/event planners being out of touch - Please share what is "special" about only 10 mortars/battle-horses/arquebus or what relevance only 3 book fittings have (You need 400 to make a single codex, or 570 to fire up the Scouting Post!) which gave these items places in recent event calendars? Anyone who actually plays the game would realise these do not even have humour value in an event calendar. You want us to login every day and pay gems if we miss opening a door on the calendar within the allotted 24 hours, very few things in the recent event calendars warrant that.

    Unity was all supposed to be done and dusted prior to Easter, 2021 but almost 8 months later it is still virtually as flaky as what was dropped on us on the 20th July.

    I'd suggest that the folk in there who are making decisions about the game take a week and actually PLAY the game (and play the way real players play it, e.g. 5-6 runs of YWC within the 2 hour scouting post window), then reshuffle the priority list to elevate more of the playability features to higher positions on your invisible to-do list.

  6. #26
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    at least the new version on test seems to run a lot smoother than the current one- so there is some progress

    We do hope (and need) this to speed up a bit - one new deployment every 2-3 months just doesnt get us there in a hurry

  7. #27
    Skilled Student UsUe's Avatar
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    You forgot you have a server side enormous Bug about the new found quality mines (faster mining buff) disappearing in some hours even if you have built a mine on top of it. while old found deposit keeps the speed buff. It affects for sure Charming Geologist but i've see happening also on bronze and coal mines found with quality mines skills
    It happens when you are offline, so it doesn't affect unity version, it's rather a backend issue.
    But you ignoring it, looks like you don't care about it.

  8. #28
    Jolly Advisor
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Jove View Post
    you optimize rewards for short searches...
    Christmas event searches are not optimised for short.

  9. #29
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by UsUe View Post
    You forgot you have a server side enormous Bug about the new found quality mines (faster mining buff) disappearing in some hours even if you have built a mine on top of it. while old found deposit keeps the speed buff. It affects for sure Charming Geologist but i've see happening also on bronze and coal mines found with quality mines skills
    It happens when you are offline, so it doesn't affect unity version, it's rather a backend issue.
    But you ignoring it, looks like you don't care about it.
    Well, as with all bugs, they are on the list and will get attention. This is a relatively new one so might just not have the same priority as some others nor be high enough on the list with less priorities to have someone look at it

    So associating not fixing it within 1 deployment/upgrade cycle with not caring is a bit harsh- esp when there are a lot more game impacting bugs to deal with. We just have to hope that the bug is an easy fix and will be looked at soon- I haven't checked if they fixed it on test, which just had a new version implemented but u might check there as well

    (BTW hardly any fix will reach live servers without a maintenance and we havent had one since implenentation of haloween event so logical that not many of any fixes have reached us yet)

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    BB need to thank Sirris_RU. Without their work to enable the old client, I and many, many others would have given up long ago...

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