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Thread: Alternative to co op games in weekly challenge

  1. #1
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Alternative to co op games in weekly challenge

    Ive been stumped in my weekly challenge AGAIN because I need to complete the whirlwind which requires four players to coop. Problem is I play the game with one friend and dont have enough friends on my list to complete this nor do I want to add any - as I stated ages ago when weekly challenges started. Would it be so difficult to require an alternative to the co-ops in the weekly challenge. Mind you considering the mess things are in with the game (excessive zone refreshes , for example, are making adventures difficult to play correctly) I'm probably asking too much.

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2012
    Not sure why you want to isolate yourself so much, you can simply remove players from your friend list after an adventure is over if you want to keep a short friend list, the only reason to keep them on your list longer is if you want to trade directly with them at a later date. There is very little communication needed other than getting the invites sent out.

    An option is to use kill buffs to complete the adventures, there are a lot more of them available now with so many explorers/geos returning with them, you can stack weak point potions, ranged support and blacktree arrows to clear the leader camps in coop, if you split the buffs needed with the other player you are friends with then it might not need that many. It's up to you whether it seems like a waste.

    But adding an option to disable coop the same way pvp can be disabled would make sense, I can't see any new features being added anytime soon whilst they are steadily adding more bugs instead of features at the moment.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    u can ask me if i am about- i also dont care if i get removed afterwards - my list is a right old mess anyway and i wish they put a filter on it

  4. #4
    Original Serf
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    Dec 2014
    I'm with Maelstrom on this. I don't like having to be available or wait on the availability of other players in order to complete a quest. It doesn't suit how I like to play the game. I had enough of that when I played Travian when you had to be available for other players almost 24/7. I like to dip in and out of this game at my convenience and do things when it is suitable to me. The weekly challenge is also a massive resource sink. Then there's the tediousness of doing the same adventure two or three times. I haven't played the weekly challenge for years and have no intention of playing it again. I also haven't done any adventure (with the exception of the simple ones in the events) for about a year due to the inability of BB to sort out the issues of lag and zone refreshes happening every few seconds.

  5. #5
    Keen Commentor
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    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyGreen View Post
    I'm with Maelstrom on this. I don't like having to be available or wait on the availability of other players in order to complete a quest. It doesn't suit how I like to play the game. I had enough of that when I played Travian when you had to be available for other players almost 24/7. I like to dip in and out of this game at my convenience and do things when it is suitable to me. The weekly challenge is also a massive resource sink. Then there's the tediousness of doing the same adventure two or three times. I haven't played the weekly challenge for years and have no intention of playing it again. I also haven't done any adventure (with the exception of the simple ones in the events) for about a year due to the inability of BB to sort out the issues of lag and zone refreshes happening every few seconds.
    Soooo, you're not with maelstrom on this then? since you don't really play anyway.

  6. #6
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by copycat71 View Post
    Soooo, you're not with maelstrom on this then? since you don't really play anyway.
    Not really fair, as we all play the game differently but can side with another players opinion if we agree with that opinion.
    I do not do any adventures presently because of the situation with Unity and zone refresh, except when I absolutely have to in an `event quest'. ( And boy do I regret it ! ) I use to do addies a lot, mainly on my own, pretty much for the reasons previously expressed by Maelstrom and Jimmygreen. I would even join in on co-ops and ls IF I had the time to do them. However I have never liked being `forced' to play the game BB wants me to play, and why I have always argued for choice and options when BB introduced `new' stuff. There is an argument for guild quests requiring an adventure, and I accept that. The weekly quest ... well you can tell by the wording that those addy quests were not exactly thoroughly thought through, but you can just ignore parts of them like I do ( Until that damn quest failed ruins my day )
    Having a choice is a big part of this games success, it is sad that BB does not always appreciate that and that the choices they offer are getting more and more restrictive when it comes to the quest line. ( probably because they lack the knowledge of how the game is played and the imagination needed ) Is a four player co-op really needed in todays dwindling numbers, or would a two player co-op or even normal addy suffice for the purpose/value of the quest?
    Personally, I would like to see ALL addy quests temporarily removed till they fix Unity and zone refresh so I can play on a level playing field with those on the client, but we all know that is not going to happen anytime soon
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  7. #7
    Original Serf
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by copycat71 View Post
    Soooo, you're not with maelstrom on this then? since you don't really play anyway.
    Seeing as you only joined 8 months ago wtf would you know about playing the game? I've logged on and done something with my account almost every day of almost every week since I started. I play the game in the way that suits me, not you or anyone else.

    Don't tell me I don't really play. You know nothing.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by MaelstromJ View Post
    Ive been stumped in my weekly challenge AGAIN because I need to complete the whirlwind which requires four players to coop. Problem is I play the game with one friend and dont have enough friends on my list to complete this nor do I want to add any - as I stated ages ago when weekly challenges started. Would it be so difficult to require an alternative to the co-ops in the weekly challenge. Mind you considering the mess things are in with the game (excessive zone refreshes , for example, are making adventures difficult to play correctly) I'm probably asking too much.
    Yes I am afraid you are asking too much - no matter what we aks - we never get it. We have asked over and over for more options on the adv in the weekly nightmares. they dont really care, and right now it is mor urgent that they get the game to actually work. If you go back and read- many have asked them not to make us pick one possible option of adv on a list of one. We want more options than to have to do BC to do the nightmares- or not to have to do 3 wisdoms - they are really hard to get . you would have to do an insane number of young woodcutters to get 2. Doing 3 ww is an easy task compared to that.
    But again- even to ask for some very little thing we can all agree on - is a waste of space - they cant even get the program to work right.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  9. #9
    Keen Commentor
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyGreen View Post
    Seeing as you only joined 8 months ago wtf would you know about playing the game? I've logged on and done something with my account almost every day of almost every week since I started. I play the game in the way that suits me, not you or anyone else.

    Don't tell me I don't really play. You know nothing.
    Millennial much? Okay, i know nothing and i only play on this server...

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Be happy we have the option to swith off pvp.

    Not all quests should be easy and your vision of the game is never the same as their vision of the game

    And to be honest, a storm in a glass of water- as 2 x TR is so easy to do- You complete your part- advertise in trade and get 2 or 3 others to do their part (and have the option to nuke one camp as arrows are so cheap now) and you do not even have to be around to finish it

    Same applies to siege- there you need 1 player- plenty finish a siege and then advertise it in trade and ignore adventure afterwards as other player can clear and finish without your involvement

    Consider it similar to a lootspot with a bit more effort on the lootspot taker- for which he doesnt get charged for a lootspot :P

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