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Thread: Have events on hold for awhile

  1. #21
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Guess today's News page says it all, they still aint listening to us.

    At this rate we're heading the same way as their "Battle Royale" games Hyperscape, except that was a case of trying to follow the "last big thing" whereas TSO occupies an unique place in the F2P market and they're letting it rot away, losing the 1 thing they're actually ahead of the competition.

  2. #22
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    why do you think so many take the unconventional route that is against the terms of service

    either works and play outside of the TOS or be inside the TOS by using unity and not play at all

  3. #23
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Darkest Dorset
    Unfortunately, I hit a roadblock in that "route", despite doing everything correctly, the choice does not appear, guessing there may be some quirk with my comp/OS at work as I successfully got it working on my mobile phone.
    But having been beta-testing the franchise for 30years now, (has Volker seen the mess it has become?), I'm still trying to help them get a working, playable version.
    Trouble is, they're not listening to the people with the most experience, the players.
    Unity is clearly not fit for purpose, the unfixed bugs since the script kiddies took over from the devs in 2014 have destabilised the game, and instead of investing development in an established franchise with a very loyal player-base, UBI are still hell-bent on wasting resources chasing "the next big thing" long after it has been done to death by everybody else. The same model that makes EA such a dirty word in gamers' books.
    The big publishers are unlikely to come up with something innovative, "the next big thing" when they keep swallowing up the companies capable of independent thought and shackle them, all they end up with is a very nice back catalogue but zero chance of breaking new ground. Famous names like "Bluebyte", "Origin", "SSI", "New World" are just merely names now, floating about in a huge corporate quagmire, all the innovation is coming from the independents who in turn will be bought out and sink into oblivion.

    They've now spent longer trying to port TSO than it originally took to create the game from scratch, with the really hard stuff like creating a story and mechanics already done. The same bugs we were reporting on Test a year ago are still with us now in the Live version. Surely even the beancounters must have realised by now that there is something very wrong with this picture?
    Last edited by Nogbad; 30.01.22 at 05:39.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  4. #24
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Yes, they tried to adjust the programming to a new engine. Alas usually it is easier and better to rewrite it and adjust the game to the different limitations a new engine has in the way of gameplay

    Trying a 1 on 1 migration was bound to be a fools errand and alas that is exactly what it is

    Someone has to have the balls to call the big shots on game play change to keep a working game

    Same way some big shots were called in the past to make gameplay smoother/better. A new engine should have been a chance to rebalance the game at the same time and make smart choices to the way the game handles issues - not this POS transition where the processors get overworked on useless fluff

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