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Thread: Zone refreshment

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Zone refreshment

    I really need someone to explain me: why do we need these zone refreshments? Every time when the zone refresh message appears it turns out that the explorers I just sent on search was not started (this is just one example). On adventure Island the things goes worse. I just loose several battles because when zone refreshed some generals started slow than other and finally the result is that I need time for restoring the troops nor for battles. Why we exact need adventure zone to be refreshed every 10 second (yes, I counted many times).
    And when do you plan to fix General retreat function as you promised several times.
    I`m really pissed off this bugs that you already one year cannot fix. And I really considering quitting the game because it getting worse.

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    They are needed, it's when the client syncs with the server. I think the issue is the old client would just sync the changes which would cause a brief pause, the new client fails to do this and ends up having to sync everything essentially causing everything but the graphics to reload. The loss of actions is probably because the client does a short rollback every time it happens.

    I don't think the devs can fix the issue because they didn't make the client and the people who did make it no longer support it.

    Blame whoever cheaped out on the development costs.

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