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Thread: Home Island is not loading in 100%. "Zone refreshed!" missing. Chrome.

  1. #1
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Home Island is not loading in 100%. "Zone refreshed!" missing. Chrome.

    Hi! I use Google Chrome (an older version) with all mem fixes, so I never had issues loading Home Island. Until 31 january there was always "zone refreshed!" during loading Home Island. "Zone refreshed!" popped out, while half of island was loaded up and after "Zone refreshed!" rest of Home Island was loading just fine. 1st february this "Zone refreshed!" went missing and my Home Island is not loading further, beyond that point in the middle of buildings being loaded up. I even noticed already loaded into Home Island watermills disappearing after some time.

    To force "zone refreshed!" I upgraded mine and it is causing a whole bunch of other buildings entirely to disappear too.

    I tried in Google Chrome following refreshes: normal, hard, empty cache & hard and disabled caching while developer tools are open combined with empty cache & hard refresh. I always end in the same point with half loaded Home Island.

    I will try later other browser to load TSO or even upgrading chrome.

    Developer tools point out an issue though:
    GET ... 0018 live GFX_HASHED loadingscreen default.assetbundle 404

    I have no idea what this bug is about. F12 menu tell there is 16 errors in total. Majority of them are like:
    POST url url (for example: 0018 live debug unity SWMMO Build 061f463856577255fb5eefaf73e67127.js) 404
    and then 3 errors coming below also about this.

    Those errors point out that there is a collection of files simply missing on server side of TSO. This is something other browsers won't be able to fix either.

    BB Help!? Maybe.

  2. #2
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I had to close entire Chrome and start web browser anew for Home Island to load completely. I have no idea why. I guess my Google Chrome is a bugged browser or its version is too old. Possibly, there is some stealth caching in Chrome, which Chrome holds dearly to, no matter what.

    Issue gone. Sorry for bother.

  3. #3
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2020
    You can also clear Unity cache (this is something other than your browser cache). The guide can be found here.

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