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Thread: Gem shop

  1. #21
    Keen Commentor
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    May 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by vigabrand View Post
    I'm starting to think that the British Government are running your company.
    or vice versa

  2. #22
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vigabrand View Post
    Don't you know how this works? we give bb money and bb develop the game...
    If they did, then I doubt we would be having this discussion. When was the last `meaningful' development to this game? All we get is more of the stuff we already have .. Generals, explorers, buffs, building (skins ) but no actual content. Then they break it, break `promises', miss deadlines, still don't listen to testers and they carry on doing very little to put their mistakes right yet expect to get paid even more for it.
    This is NOT how it's suppose to work. They should produce something that works that we want to invest in, not give them money to sit on their butts and figure out how they can spin the false hope to players. The game as it is, is not fit for purpose plain and simple. After all this time of being broken, if anybody wants to put money into it, then that's up to them, just don't expect any sympathy when your still waiting in 2023 for a playable game or when they close down the servers and you feel that your money has been wasted. Personally my patience runs out at Easter. If they can't get adventures working properly again by then I'm closing down this screen saver for good. No more hope and no more money.
    Last edited by Larili; 05.03.22 at 13:26.
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  3. #23
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Larili View Post
    Personally my patience runs out at Easter. If they can't get adventures working properly again by then I'm closing down this screen saver for good. No more hope and no more money.
    if only they realised how many are saying the same thing and how many have already quit. We had a a fantastically active guild with over 70 members and half of those have quit for good, with others hanging on by their fingernails - without the client route more would be gone. I know it isn't just us here either. The guild I am in on Zeus has been decimated. Is a good day when there are 5-6 lights on out of 90+ members. Sadly, they will not reply to this, just as they rarely reply other than to tell us they are working hard on it. And now when people chat about the state of the game on G1 chats on EU servers they get told to stop trolling, to stop being negative etc. Give us something to be positive about maybe?
    Last edited by lordloocan; 05.03.22 at 14:33.

  4. #24
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    i understand the previous comments, but again we don't know what issues BB r having with development. for all we know they could be sitting around playing arcade games and drinking coffee, or they could be working flat out trying to solve issues we are unaware of.

    I've made this point b4, bb. if you gave us a little more info then perhaps we would be more understanding and forgiving.
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2022
    I'll add a little to this.

    I'm new - very new - to the game... I've been playing about a month... I started playing because of the Anniversay edn' of the regular Settlers... but thats not that important.
    I signed up, got lucky, and into an incredibly helpful guild who have essentially handheld me through the first bits of the game...

    I then looked at buying gems.. happily bought the 4000 or so 'introductory' gems... and based on the price, will be very reluctant to buy any more... their simply not worth it.

    To paint a (sad) light on this game... it's been around for a decade, games die 'eventually' this one is further along that journey than most... i've played several similar to this (and some I still do), and the focus sadly seems to be the same with all to a lesser or greater extent... microtransactions... and they have no bearing on the real-world costs of the game.

    So, the reality... the game has been around for a decade... for me, I have a VERY vertical 'new player' curve... I have slow explorers and have to do days of searching to complete weekly tasks.

    Where my friends in my guild are completing (joining, killing, leaving) an adventure before I even arrive with my tavern generals ... I'm left behind... I'm sure I'll be able to get some during event(s), but the reality is.. this game needs something to draw new players in - the 'starter pack' of diamonds goes a long way... but doesn't get much meaningful.

    I've held onto my diamonds (mostly - I bought 2 jolly Geologists) ... and I bought a Silo ... everything else worth getting is too expensive... 6000 diamonds for a general? sorry, don't have the diamonds.

    Now, onto the argument of inflation, etc... Inflation is a fairly recent concept (last 100 years), it is not a guarantee - deflation also happens... as to the cost of gems in various markets... it assumes a key thing that is missing for many ... disposable income... I was going to go into comparative analysis but it doesn't really make much difference...

    I'll give a simple analogy. the cost in the UK to purchase the 'big diamond pack' is £83.99, the vast majority of people in the UK are on either minimum wage, or a living wage in the region of around £10 per hour.. this equates to around £20,000 per year... (the national average wage is £31,500, which is heavily skewed by earnings in the South East of England) this is a tall ask in a country where food banks are running out of food to give to people who can't afford to buy ... food... realistically, £84 for all but the actually, truly wealthy is probably 1 or 2 weeks of 'saving' excess income after all the real life necessities... and by the time someone has saved for 2 weeks.. they'll have far more useful things to spend money on.

    For me.. sadly.. it's a simple non starter.

    As someone new to the game, I'm not going to spent £100's to buy things to 'catch-up' in a game that may exist another month, year ... or if I'm lucky, a decade... and sadly, unless you can incentivise people like me to spend ... it's closer to to not existing sooner, rather than later.

    if Bluebyte sells 100 packages to 20 people at £10 it's made £1000 .. and those 20 people are happy, as they've not spent silly amounts of money... instead, bluebyte choses to sell 10 packages to 10 people... and make them all regret the spend... at £83 for a 20,000 diamonds ... which do NOT give me that much in the game, I could by 2x PS5 games; go out to dinner once or twice, the cinema weekly, or full my car up with diesel for a month... all would (for most people) be a better use of almost £100.

    Use the same dynamic with £10 or £20 for the diamonds ... people would be far happier to buy them.

  6. #26
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    the first issue is that the game is not running as it should- until that is fixed, any gem issues are moot anyway and recruiting new people to the game with super cheap gems will just get em out as quick as getting em in now.

    If the game is unplayable or annoyingly slow in playing on your machine, you won;t stick around and that issue has been around for 1 year now with no definitive fix in sight

    Gems have always been expensive and explorers are a main target in events. As there are plenty events, it usually takes 2 months to get some decent generals and explorers but it would be useful to have a cheapish pack with at least 1 quick general and 1 decent explorer in it.

    Other than that, the best advice is to go for the long run and save gems for gempits and use those gems to get more gempits and only then start spending em on the essentials but that is a hard thing to do

    The suggestion of making gems cheaper to get more people buying has been made for the last 10 years and hasnt changed the stance. Obviously the current pricing gets in plenty anyway so there is no need to change from their perspective

  7. #27
    Original Serf
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    happy hour use to be 100% now just 25%.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME with the state of the game!?!?

    You have LOST YOUR MIND.

    Get a grip and get the game functioning. Raising prices when players are really upset WILL NOT GENERATE MORE REVENUE.

    Offer a 200% happy hour and you may get some takers but this is plain INSULTING.

  8. #28
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    they must think they are on a winner and people cant wait to part with their money

    they need to stop with mushrooms for lunch i guess

  9. #29
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    Do they still have people that buy gems ?? - I used to - would do it again if they fixed the game, - and got a support system that is not a joke.

    Latest - Sorry we don't know at the present time how to fix your problem - others have the same problem- 2 days later - as you have not been active in your ticked the problem is set as resolved ?? - You did not know how to fix it - do you want me to figure it out ? - as long as you have not fixed it - I would have assumed that the ticked and the problem was still open and unresolved - I did not quote - just gave a resume in my own words.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

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