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Thread: Disruptive behavious and "warchats" - What will BB do about it

  1. #1
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Disruptive behavious and "warchats" - What will BB do about it

    I have seen the same few people time and time again having endless monoloques and/or discussions about Russia/Ukraine etc

    They have been warned by mods etc but it still continues.

    So the question is "Why are they still around" They break the chatrules time and time again and are disruptive

    You have the power to act- Either act or change the rules but this is just a load of bull

    I find myself logging out of the game as no action is being taken.

    I do n ot play settlers to get spammed in all channels about a war- If i really want to keep up to date there are plenty of forums and news channels etc

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Screenshot and send to Support if you feel so strongly about players saying more in chat than "Hi, how's your weather ?" which seems to be all we can say w/o being booted out or reported or being openly named and shamed by the mod

    Too many times I've seen players warned by a mod for speaking about things other than their island - CHAT IS SPEAKING and IMHO if its not against TnC then leave people alone, or would you rather play in total chatless game ?

    Oh hey !! There's a "-" sign, minimize it

    And it cannot be "political or religious" if no one mentions politics or church but speaks only about what they see or hear
    Last edited by tiggermama; 08.03.22 at 09:40.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    there is a big difference between your position and what i complained about.

    We have a few people on server that on a daily basis keep going on and on about this when mods/Bb are not about. The mods know it, BB knows it

    They have been warned- or so we have been told but it doesnt improve but gets worse.

    I dont mind chitchat and stuff that is not game related but i am not in here to get spammed with opinions about the war and as soon as u make a remark being accused of being a russian etc

    Lets put it this way: If this behaviour is condoned by BB through inaction, that would be the end of it for me. I do not play games to be confronted by peoples opinions of real life events with lots of impact on many people. I get confronted with that on a daily basis already whereever i turn. I dont need to get a load more in a game. There are reasons for the rules as stated by BB.

    The most important reason is that a very small minority spoils it for all others by their behaviour. You can blame BB for the "harsh" chatrules but they were implemented and adjusted over the years as reactions of player bahaviour.

    To suggest that i need to stop inteacting with fellow players in a multiplayer game to avoid the spammers and rulebreakers is a bit much don;t you think? That would be the same as saying it is better to quit and buy a single person game to play as you have top respect the people that break the rules as it is their right to do so .....

  4. #4
    Quartermaster AmySafeunderdark's Avatar
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    The Netherlands
    The chat rules can indeed be seen as harsh, but they are there for a reson.
    To ventilate your opinion is one, to disrupt a public chat because you are trying to spam about something that is wrong is another..

    But is this food for the chat? I do not think so.
    Again this is my opinion..
    If you want to discuss this in private, by all means.. but not in public chat..
    BB/Ubisoft rules are clear on that:

    No political / religious conversations / discussions / debates
    Topics such as religion and politics are deemed too inflammatory/controversial and provocative. They have no place in The Settlers Online in-game chat or forum and the topics are forbidden. You will be warned to stop; if you persist, this could result in a ban

    And there is a good reason behind this.
    I understand why it happens, but I also understand why it is not allowed.

    This post could even be considered 'on the edge of the rules' because this is a sensitive topic.

    Last edited by AmySafeunderdark; 08.03.22 at 12:04.
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  5. #5
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    i come here to get away from rl and as stated in the previous post these topics are highly inflammatory and that is why they are not allowed in chat. accusing you of being a Russian if u comment is racist. I hope non of our Russian community have suffered this behaviour.

    tiggermamma has the right solution imo, screenshot and send to support or better still show it to traffer...

    and do not feel bad about doing so, these fools have brought any repurcussions down on themselves. Yes the rules seem harsh sometimes and I have (not always) inadvertantly fallen foul of them myself, but it makes for a very helpful and friendly environment. try a different game for a while and see how horrible ppl r bcoz they r unmoderated and allowed to be so. staff and mods r struggling to uphold these rules atm, perhaps its time for us to help them
    Last edited by vigabrand; 08.03.22 at 13:57.
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  6. #6
    Treasure Hunter Bobblyt's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    think those of us in NFL know exactly who are being referred to in the op - the same ones that were spamming anti-vax messages before the latest world crisis
    chat rules exist for a reason (and can indeed be a pain) but we should not need to adjust our game play because of a few idiots
    BB &/or Mods need to take stronger action - I for one will be sending screenshots in future - after the abuse I got in chat for objecting this behaviour and politely requesting the spammer to stop

  7. #7
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    If you think the moderators are being slow to act and its only a couple of people doing it then put them on ignore.

    in chat gives list of commands:

    /ignoreshow - list ignored users
    /ignoreadd username - add username to ignore list
    /ignoreremove username - remove username from ignore list
    /report username reason - I don't know if this command still does anything.

  8. #8
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    yes u can ignore, but the point is these players are breaking the rules which we abide by and spoiling the game
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  9. #9
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Hello Settlers.

    If you see a player who violates rules, please take a screenshot and send it directly to me on the forum (here) or to our support team (here). I'll make sure the rules are followed.

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