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Thread: Help for new players

  1. #1
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Red face Help for new players

    Relief for new players should be introduced as soon as possible. Major General should introduce that it can be purchased in much smaller levels for beanstalk. We can't help them like this. In this way, new players cannot play at all and quickly give up the game. Minimum level to be at least 30.

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    shrug, dunno where you get that from.

    My experience with new players has always been that 60% drop out fairly soon after starting, usually a few weeks.

    This is including leveling help/building help etc meaning they did not have the same bottlenecks as people that started years earlier.

    New players can play perfectly well with the generals they start with for the first few levels and in any halfway decent guild they will also qualify for lootspots as someone will donate em the arrows needed for the kills (and yes, i can see the next argument: New players need cheap access to killbuffs else they do not qualify for lootspots and hence cant play ....)

    If they last till the next event hits the server, they can get a cheap decent general or two there and with all the bonusses available will level quick enough to get the MG for beanstalks.

    Dumbing down the requirements/making it easier doesnt keep players in the game, it just create players that do not value the good things on their way.

    This balance usually doesnt change unless the game mostly caters to players at a different level and hence kills the game at lower levels. This is hardly the case in TSO as there are plenty of players not using elite troops and to be honest- it isnt really a cooperative game and most adventures are done solo by most people.

    If new players do not hit bottlenecks anymore- how will they learn what is good. ALready population and licences are no longer the bottlenecks they used to be. It isnt a bad thing but it is hardly a good one either- So IMO the generals can stay how they are- if the player likes the game - he joins a guild and together get this bottleneck solved (and that usually will take the player in a decent guild with a bit of help maybe a week or 1,5 week longer than lowering the bar)

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SoneVracevGaj View Post
    Relief for new players should be introduced as soon as possible. Major General should introduce that it can be purchased in much smaller levels for beanstalk. We can't help them like this. In this way, new players cannot play at all and quickly give up the game. Minimum level to be at least 30.
    Better suggestion, they have to play with just tavern generals until they are say lvl 30, then when bought some gems to support the gane they can use them to buy a BHG or a Vet...sound like hard work, well it's what we all did so why make it easier for newer players who want it all NOW but won't spend anything on the game.

  4. #4
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Better suggestion, they have to play with just tavern generals until they are say lvl 30, then when bought some gems to support the gane they can use them to buy a BHG or a Vet...sound like hard work, well it's what we all did so why make it easier for newer players who want it all NOW but won't spend anything on the game.

  5. #5
    Treasure Hunter
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    Nov 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Better suggestion, they have to play with just tavern generals until they are say lvl 30, then when bought some gems to support the gane they can use them to buy a BHG or a Vet...sound like hard work, well it's what we all did so why make it easier for newer players who want it all NOW but won't spend anything on the game.
    I guess you have forgotten that BB have long insisted that gems in game have no connection to real world currency.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    gems don;t, it is a one way street, u can buy em with coin but u cant retrade em.

    in the end ftp doesnt mean no money spent on game, The game devs need to earn money to pay for the development, infrastructure etc as well- gems are one way (and bless all the gem buyers for financing the game) and if they didnt have that it would have been advertising *horror*

  7. #7
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I think it's the building licenses that need looking at, they are extremely restricting to new players to the point where once you start taking over the home island, you can't actually build much in the space you open up. At higher levels you end up with tons of buildings which don't even use licenses, I think I have 80 spare with a completely full island.

    If you follow the tutorial and build everything required for it, you only get to choose a couple of buildings to build outside of those quests unless you decide to knock down all the tutorial buildings after getting the rewards.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    yes, although with a bit of help it it fairly easy to get buildings to lvl 5 and alleviate the pressure before investing in non licensed buildings

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