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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log 15/06/2022

  1. #21
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad View Post
    Will the hotfix on the 21st June be early morning or lunchtime/afternoon?
    21st will be afternoon, 22nd will be all day until 23rd afternoon

  2. #22
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Was the downtime yesterday evening (approx 12 hours after update finished) related to the update?

  3. #23
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Downtime always appears to happen after an update, looks like an automated ( scheduled ) process resets routing tables so that the servers are mapped back on bad internal IP addresses, rather than the ones they should be on.

    When I was in IT ( Network and server ) this would have been a case of
    Once is careless, twice is bad change control, more than twice is the system intentionally doing it, or no one with the knowledge to fix it. ( or no one cares enough to want to fix it )

  4. #24
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlequin_1963 View Post
    Downtime always appears to happen after an update, looks like an automated ( scheduled ) process resets routing tables so that the servers are mapped back on bad internal IP addresses, rather than the ones they should be on.

    When I was in IT ( Network and server ) this would have been a case of
    Once is careless, twice is bad change control, more than twice is the system intentionally doing it, or no one with the knowledge to fix it. ( or no one cares enough to want to fix it )
    I will sign up to the last option as many a bug/feature etc seems to be in that same mold - for example the previous event bugs being perpetuated every following event and the locks on event goodies in the market even when they said that the item would be available for everyone in the event and even when we suggest here or on test forums to check these lockouts, they still show up on live servers and never get fixed

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Stuck tool tip is still sticking

    While hovering over a general with the mouse

    and typing in the search window the name for an explorer the generals tool tip changed partly into the tool tip for the explorer.

    And a second tool tip appeared. This normal tool tip disappeared, the changed generals tool tip

    could not be removed until I hoovered over the original general then the tool tip changed back into the tool tip for the general

    and would disappear shortly after.

    It would be much better if any tool tip disappeared after a short wile even the wrong one, or especially the wrong one.

  6. #26
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Darkest Dorset
    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    I will sign up to the last option as many a bug/feature etc seems to be in that same mold - for example the previous event bugs being perpetuated every following event and the locks on event goodies in the market even when they said that the item would be available for everyone in the event and even when we suggest here or on test forums to check these lockouts, they still show up on live servers and never get fixed
    Agreed, it was the same servers went missing as did in the last 2 occurrences, Germany, France etc... were upand running as normal following the maintenance, while the UK, CZ were completely uncontactable via browsers, mobile phone with the same mainly white page with "ERR_Connection Reset" messageappearing after considerable delay. Eventrying to load cached pages from History failed.
    These maintenance keep corrupting the IP addresses of certain servers, and this has happened often enough for it to be a "known problem" so why are BB still letting it happen.
    When it does, our only option is totry and contact them via email or the forum of an unaffected language version, we cannot even access our own forum and the last BB activity on Fakebook was to announce the upcoming Xmas 2021 Event!
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  7. #27
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Apart from the repeat performance of the servers going AWOL, very disappointed to see no change in the behaviour of popups/tooltips. They're still persisting on screen as much as before and slowing the game down, and creating things like short letters sees them covering the star menu button like a bad smell until you next reload the game.
    Was looking forward to this fix and can't work out how they can claim it when visually it's obvious. Either thiswan't tested or the fix exists purely in the mind of some programmer.
    Sadly, the foreign ship is now regularly triggering fatal javascript errors, seems even worse than before this update.

  8. #28
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad View Post
    Agreed, it was the same servers went missing as did in the last 2 occurrences, Germany, France etc... were upand running as normal following the maintenance, while the UK, CZ were completely uncontactable via browsers, mobile phone with the same mainly white page with "ERR_Connection Reset" messageappearing after considerable delay. Eventrying to load cached pages from History failed.
    These maintenance keep corrupting the IP addresses of certain servers, and this has happened often enough for it to be a "known problem" so why are BB still letting it happen.
    When it does, our only option is totry and contact them via email or the forum of an unaffected language version, we cannot even access our own forum and the last BB activity on Fakebook was to announce the upcoming Xmas 2021 Event!
    twitter is even worse- They forgot the social in social media and the media as well i guess

  9. #29
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    So, having a hotfix within 3 hours from the start of an event must be a record!

    Wish they'd fixed the sugar glue as fast!

  10. #30
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    no it isn't lol

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