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Thread: Scared and Pirate explorer problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Scared and Pirate explorer problem

    I am forced to state my problem here, in case you might consider it.
    A player who has been playing Settlers for ten years would expect the buildings, geologists generals and explorers to have the characteristics described in the game and fulfill their tasks accordingly - because that's why we bought it.
    In a game with such a patina, how can it be allowed that since the beginning of unity, two explorers do not do this even remotely.
    Specifically, we are talking about Scared and Pirate explorers. In the previous period, Scared explorers brought a crystal every prolonged turn, but nowadays they are no different than any ordinary explorer along with Pirates.
    Obviously, this wouldn't be a big problem when setting the properties during a patch, and I hope you do it next time

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    they do always bring back at least a 400 uniform refill for me on prolonged (the scared ones) and sometimes better - maybe the loottable is broken on the better rewards but they are certainly not the same as regular explorers

  3. #3
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Kisbence View Post
    I am forced to state my problem here, in case you might consider it.
    A player who has been playing Settlers for ten years would expect the buildings, geologists generals and explorers to have the characteristics described in the game and fulfill their tasks accordingly - because that's why we bought it.
    In a game with such a patina, how can it be allowed that since the beginning of unity, two explorers do not do this even remotely.
    Specifically, we are talking about Scared and Pirate explorers. In the previous period, Scared explorers brought a crystal every prolonged turn, but nowadays they are no different than any ordinary explorer along with Pirates.
    Obviously, this wouldn't be a big problem when setting the properties during a patch, and I hope you do it next time
    One of two things are going to happen, the devs will take a quick look at your post and say no bug moving on. Or they are going give some thought to what your saying and will conclude that by the players own admission the explorers are working as intended.

  4. #4
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Lately i've sent mine out only on medium or long. Overall the chance to get the rare finds is pretty low and from what i've noticed my scared explorers seem to hit it a bit more often on these 2 searches then on the prolonged. The finds i got from the last month of testing were 15 or 35 crystals and sometimes 1d or 7d prem or a random book. Always got a hit on 1 random scared explorer out of the 11 that i've sent out and only after 3-5 searches so it aparently takes a lot of luck to hit the rare finds.
    I never got anything better then those finds on these 2 searches but i keep searching maybe for another month.
    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    I have the same issue, mine brought back the occasional extra-nice loot but since getting more at halloween I haven't had a single thing apart from omniseeds and regular loot. I have 11 and send them out most days, I would have expected something by now.

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