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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log 28/09/2022

  1. #11
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    I looked on test at the auction house and tbh every time I looked there was nothing on offer. I don't mean nothing I wanted, simply nothing at all. If they want to introduce this to the game - and it can be good - they ought to look at what [removed] does. There you have an auction house in which you can sell items to gain tokens which you can then use to buy items. You get 6 at fixed price each day as well as a running auction with a timer and once that auction is complete the next one immediately starts. This allows players to sell what has become junk to them whilst looking for other items.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 27.09.22 at 13:15.

  2. #12
    Jolly Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    I looked on test at the auction house and tbh every time I looked there was nothing on offer. I don't mean nothing I wanted, simply nothing at all. If they want to introduce this to the game - and it can be good - they ought to look at what [removed] does. There you have an auction house in which you can sell items to gain tokens which you can then use to buy items. You get 6 at fixed price each day as well as a running auction with a timer and once that auction is complete the next one immediately starts. This allows players to sell what has become junk to them whilst looking for other items.
    I don't understand why they're doing things like this when the fundamentals of the game are still so broken.
    Surely getting the game mechanics working properly again are far more important than yet another kludge that will probably bring more problems.
    Have they forgotten the widespread fraud when last players were able to trade for rare items and gem voucher codes?
    This looks like another page from the Truss playbook, blurting out an idea as it springs into their head, before rational thought or sage advice can point out that it won't work, or will be disastrous if implemented.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 27.09.22 at 13:16.

  3. #13
    Treasure Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad View Post
    Disabling the firework buff would be very useful, nothing slows down loading a friend's island anywhere near as much if they have that active, often so bad that it will freeze the game in endless "zone refresh" loops and force a reboot.
    No problem with fireworks here.

  4. #14
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuffinMule View Post
    Surely getting the game mechanics working properly again are far more important than yet another kludge that will probably bring more problems.
    Fixing fundamental issues requires time and effort spent on analysis and implementation, and, for performance issues specifically, potentially multiple iterations of it.

    What they do instead (considering they have proven multiple times over past 2 years they have no intention of actually investing money in this game anymore) is features that require minimal investment just to pretend someone is working on the game. Which is why you have numerous changes like some text adjustments noone even complained about.

    Ironically enough the ones that are to blame are the players, because in this day and age gaming companies make it blatantly obvious they dont intend to provide any level of service higher than the bare minimum thats acceptable by the community, and that sunks lower and lower each year.

    I myself am still surprised the game didnt die completely when they switched working AIR client to Unity version that did not work for majority of people interested and then straight up lied theres no coming back to the client (which was promptly proven false by players). But I guess if you folks like it anyway then go ahead and enjoy it.

  5. #15
    Community Manager
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    I looked on test at the auction house and tbh every time I looked there was nothing on offer.
    The auction hall was removed from the update until further improvements to the feature are finished.

    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Fixing fundamental issues requires time and effort spent on analysis and implementation, and, for performance issues specifically, potentially multiple iterations of it.
    This is exactly what we said in our community update, and the updates that were rolled out this year made a huge difference in terms of game performance. Additionally, many major bugs have been resolved.

    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    What they do instead (considering they have proven multiple times over past 2 years they have no intention of actually investing money in this game anymore) is features that require minimal investment just to pretend someone is working on the game. Which is why you have numerous changes like some text adjustments noone even complained about.

    Ironically enough the ones that are to blame are the players, because in this day and age gaming companies make it blatantly obvious they dont intend to provide any level of service higher than the bare minimum thats acceptable by the community, and that sunks lower and lower each year.

    I myself am still surprised the game didnt die completely when they switched working AIR client to Unity version that did not work for majority of people interested and then straight up lied theres no coming back to the client (which was promptly proven false by players). But I guess if you folks like it anyway then go ahead and enjoy it.
    Do you really think that re-writing the game from Flash to Unity, and a complete re-make of our Support system is a "pretending" action?

    You can also look at the number of bug fixes we did during this year alone.

    Tomorrow's update will bring another Unity update and performance optimization.
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 27.09.22 at 13:32.

  6. #16
    Glorious Graduate
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    almost a year since the last community update : )

  7. #17
    Glorious Graduate
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    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post

    Do you really think that re-writing the game from Flash to Unity, and a complete re-make of our Support system is a "pretending" action?

    You can also look at the number of bug fixes we did during this year alone.

    Tomorrow's update will bring another Unity update and performance optimization.
    I thought you got two outside firms to rewrite the code for you, are you now saying it was done inhouse ?
    Your support system binned support calls after 48 hours of inactivity meaning it was futile to send a support message at the weekend, are you saying that is now fixed ?
    You have bugs that have been here since i started playing this game, and you have bugs showing every time the game launches, many of which have the solution for fixing them in the dev console that any user can activate in their web browser.

  8. #18
    Jolly Advisor
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    My worry about the change is... Refresh of Trade Office every 5 seconds? Every 5 seconds? Will it increase lag or decrease it? We will see, I guess.
    Last edited by The_Sarmatian; 27.09.22 at 17:14.

  9. #19
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Trafffer View Post
    [COLOR="royalblue"]Do you really think that re-writing the game from Flash to Unity, and a complete re-make of our Support system is a "pretending" action?

    From where Im standing, rewriting the actual internals must have been done prior to Unity release considering that you had shipped a -somewhat- working version of the game. It might have been bugged but it was functionaly complete, and this was almost 2 years ago.

    Additionaly :

    - I dont buy the issues with fixing the bugs emerging when rewriting considering that internal logic must have been pretty simple, given the game has zero complexity (unlike ie. any game that has a 3D engine)
    - rewriting internal logic should not require redevelopment, only porting from one language to another
    - given the above I would expect fixing any emerging bugs would have been as simple as falling back to original working code and simply porting the exact same thing to new language.

    This is not complex, has nothing in it that would make it time consuming, and as previously mentioned was even done by a 3rd party. So almost the entire work you have to show for the past 2 years is copy pasted events with barely any additions, and even that you fail to deliver without introducing bugs when copying.

  10. #20
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetah2_777 View Post
    No problem with fireworks here.
    You using the client Cheets?
    The performance differences are immense compared tothe Unity port, which really should not be the case this far down the line. The memory overheads alone bring the game to a dead halt, not surprising when it is still holding in memory your own island, the island of the last person you visited, and the last adventure map, andthat's where the zone refreshes (and the fatal javascipt errors) kick in as your own computer tries to sift through these with frequent server calls to determine what should really appear on screen.
    Unfortunately security protocols on this computer won't allow Sirris's implementation of the client to run, otherwise I'd be using it all the time, but I'm stuck with the near unplayable Unity client, so pretty much treading water ingame hoping by some miracle BB get it right.
    The Unity client should have stayed on the Test server, and we should have been playing via client until such time as the Unity client becomes playable, and the bug reporting should have stayed there too, as BB seemto treat our bug reports as bad PR and they appear to have been removed/hidden from view, so no wonder none of the major issues are being addressed, even though they've been reported since Day 1 of the Unity implementation on Test.
    My heart sank last night when the 2 buffs I started in PH showed a completion time of 582 days!
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

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