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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log 19/10/2022

  1. #21
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    How long ago did they mention the automation? we started getting 3-5x more explorers in the last 2-3 years, before the packs started being added it might have been borderline on whether it was necessary, but now its putting peoples wrist health at risk. If they are really against it then they need to stop adding new explorers. I think I gained around 70 explorers in the first 7 years and managed to get nearly every one that was added. Now I have about 200 and I have missed loads, I can see some people who spend a lot having nearly 300.

    They could at least reduce the number of clicks, eg put all the explorer options in the same window and have an option to confirm on click instead of needing to use the tick box. It would only need 2 clicks per explorer then instead of 4 (and less wrist movement between options). There have been loads of suggestions to improve the explorer sending without needing automation and they have basically done nothing.

  2. #22
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kotugo View Post
    How long ago did they mention the automation?
    Multiple times over last 5-6 years.

    we started getting 3-5x more explorers in the last 2-3 years, before the packs started being added it might have been borderline on whether it was necessary, but now its putting peoples wrist health at risk.
    Ive said it before and Ill say it again : use your brain to figure out what of the things theyre offering represents actual added value. If you stop compulsively buying out everything in the event shop you wont need 250 explorers. Back in 2017 I didnt even need more than 10.

    If they are really against it then they need to stop adding new explorers.
    That goes back to the point where they dont really do much more than copy-pasting the events, sometimes adding a little bit more of the same, so if they stopped doing that question is what exactly would be left for them to do.
    Last edited by sparkz; 17.10.22 at 06:45.

  3. #23
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Interesting, because on PL version they repeatedly said they have no intention of ever allowing sending multiple explorers because they consider this 'automation'.

    Naturally, doing the exact thing for generals they dont.
    • Will Unity allow for group sending of explorers?
    • We know this is a feature that is very high on the Wishlist of all Settlers and thus it is also very high on our list of new features we want to develop in the future. That said, we want to make you aware that we still must prioritize other topics first. Of course, porting the game as smooth as possible is mandatory so we all can continue building our islands. But also fixing bugs and improving the performance is still more important. But after all, Settlers have moved into Unity and you and we are satisfied with the game’s performance, this will be one of the first features we want to tackle.
    This is still our official word.

  4. #24
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Ive said it before and Ill say it again : use your brain to figure out what of the things theyre offering represents actual added value. If you stop compulsively buying out everything in the event shop you wont need 250 explorers. Back in 2017 I didnt even need more than 10.
    That might have been the case if the rewards from explorer searches had been left consistent with the past, but the extra explorers came with increased prices and reduced rewards from the explorers (including reduced chance per search to get the higher reward when there is variance). The end result being you actually need 150 explorers where 50 explorers might have achieved the same result previously.

  5. #25
    Treasure Hunter
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    On my park bench.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotugo View Post
    That might have been the case if the rewards from explorer searches had been left consistent with the past, but the extra explorers came with increased prices and reduced rewards from the explorers (including reduced chance per search to get the higher reward when there is variance). The end result being you actually need 150 explorers where 50 explorers might have achieved the same result previously.

  6. #26
    Jolly Advisor
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    Jan 2012
    Oh dear, despite all the negative feedback, they're still pushing that auction house on us.
    Guess Tuesday will be the usual, hotfix to correct the parts of Halloween that have failed last 4 times to start correctly?
    Be so much simpler to fix that ancient bug once and for all, rather than keep wasting the 1st day of event, and fix the event timer so that the clocks going back doesn't sennd it into a tailspin.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    It is not the event timer that is off, it is one of the severs that cannot keep the time.
    One of the servers is running 17 minutes late.
    You can check if your connection is with the server witch is on time or running slow by opening the trade window and scroll down to the latest entry. If the time for the item is lower then 6 hours your in luck. If however the time is more then 6 hours, everything time related on your island will be late. The event will start later and also the quests for Love Garden, Christmas tree and Ghost-ship.

  8. #28
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
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    Dear Settlers

    We have implemented the following additional fixes to today's update:

    • Misc: A JavaScript issue has been fixed
    • Quests: Fixed an issue that prevented the “Further Help” tutorial quest from completing
    • Sound: Fixed an issue that caused sounds to no longer play after switching to an adventure and back to the home island
    • Specialists: The Pirate Explorer now brings back the correct amount of map fragments on Medium Treasure Searches
    • Text: Copy & paste in the chat now works again, in the near future we will also make marking text in the chat window possible again
    • Text: Fixed some localization issues
    • UI: The auction window can no longer be removed from its frame
    • UI: Adjusted the icon size of Stone Depot buffs so that they no longer overlap with other UI elements
    • UI: Fixed the background of the Blacktree icon

    On top of that, here you can find a Guide about the Shady Auction Hall.

    Happy Settling,
    Your "The Settlers Online" Team
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 19.10.22 at 10:21.

  9. #29
    Glorious Graduate
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    May 2013
    I have suggested this a few times.

    Stop giving us new buildings for events.
    Make the event building upgradable by event items only for example settlers hq needs to be upgradable , i have far too many of these huge buildings,
    The stadium snack stand .. why give us so many just to make them faster , just allow them to be upgraded by pumpkins at the time of that event.
    Christmas tree I now have 5 on my island when i could have just ONE up graded 5 times by Christmas presents during the Christmas event.
    So much easier.

  10. #30
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katystrofe View Post
    It is not the event timer that is off, it is one of the severs that cannot keep the time.
    One of the servers is running 17 minutes late.
    You can check if your connection is with the server witch is on time or running slow by opening the trade window and scroll down to the latest entry. If the time for the item is lower then 6 hours your in luck. If however the time is more then 6 hours, everything time related on your island will be late. The event will start later and also the quests for Love Garden, Christmas tree and Ghost-ship.

    No Katy, this "effect" is on top of the dodgy timekeeping server-side.
    Once the clocks go back in the middle of the Halloween event (and on the occasion where "Spring forward" coincides with the Easter event), the event timer popup goes haywire and cannot be trusted. We've seen deactivations when the timer is still showing hour(s) on event running time, or conversely, extra time where an explorer could have been sent on a higher search level.
    This is why post #24 above is self contradictory, and inaccurate.
    We are not satisfied with performance even if BB are, and if priority is indeed to make the Unity implementation stable before adding new features, why is this Auction House being foisted upon us when Test server experience shows it is not functional, and this is the latest bugged item going live despite our reporting. No wonder bugs reported during the testing phase 2 years ago are still in evidence when the bug reports are no longer visible in this forum. And if we dare to repost them, we are accused of "double-posting", rather hilariously this includes via PM which is one of the features still not working correctly. I have several I cannot reply to, and this also makes it impossible to send helpful links to other players where we need to cut n paste information, it had become our last resort as the c/p function doesn't work in chat or in-game mail.
    I know bug-fixing is a difficult job, so why make it harder?
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

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