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Thread: On Endless Production Buildings.

  1. #1

    On Endless Production Buildings.

    To: Appropriate Users,

    It is highly recommended to have endless buildings, that either doesn't require deposits, or have an "endless" deposit for production, to be removed from the game. Here are a few reasons why:
    - Endless buildings rid all sense of an immersive gameplay. To which Settlers Online would find advantage over other games, whether of the same genre or similar, where aesthetic graphics aren't up to par, unlike that of Settlers Online.
    - Online browser gameplay, like any other games, rely on new players for it's real-life economy. Thus, with "endless" buildings, it would be an in-game imbalance that provides a disadvantage for new players especially, which would have them deterred away from playing this particular game, for other games of the same or similar genre, or play a different game altogether.
    - "Endless" buildings for production, is like saying Settlers Online has it's focus on Player versus Player environment, rather than on the in-game mechanics of economic management. There are many other games, either of the same or similar genre, that doesn't have quite the sophisticated building and management in-game system, that Settlers Online have, for a more focused Player versus Player environment; where buildings are specialized in-game military units for production, and the forgoing of civil structures such as farming, brewing, bread making. This is an advantage that Settlers Online should have over it's competitors, and remain as so.
    I do hope that this topic would be taken with consideration, as it could mean the total time of investment of a username player playing Settlers Online, over any other game, and thus, monetary benefits would be larger in value, rather than diminished, because of trying to cope with what other games to which Settlers Online is trying to copy, without actually copying them. It would be quite a pity, especially when efforts to make Settlers Online, by such graphical interface and in-game aesthetics, to be quite immersive unlike other games of same or similar genre where you may see odd colours or shading is a bit vivid.

  2. #2
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    So you recently started the game and have looked at a few high level players islands, what's on show is not the full picture. In short your making a bad call based on incomplete intel. I suggest you hang around for a few months then see if your early impressions match up with what you have learned in the meantime.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by DorotheusII View Post
    So you recently started the game and have looked at a few high level players islands, what's on show is not the full picture. In short your making a bad call based on incomplete intel. I suggest you hang around for a few months then see if your early impressions match up with what you have learned in the meantime.
    No Thank You.

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    for me, endless means some tedioum is gone.

    i dont know how deel your desire to eliminate endless goes- I mean, a balance between silo's and wheatfields is also endless wheat without refills or rebuilds

    No endless watermills means we wont ever have enough space to build waterwells to do high end quests which use a lot of water etc etc

    I can see it- having half an island fileld with waterwells and spending 6 immersive horus a day rebuilding them- no thank you

    All endless mines are limited in amount you can own, in most cases it will either kinda make what you need or not make enough and all endless mines are extremely expensive- real money wise

    Tributes are endless as well- should they go as well in your version?

    Making tons of fish and meat refills is also not very immersive, just tedious

    Most do not play the game to spent most of their time rebuilding mines, fields or waterwells and refilling other stuff but play to get a balanced economy running to do adventures and make desisions what they make, what they sell and what they prefer to buy - basically the level of interaction with other players

    I havent found anyone yet- with maybe the exception of you, that think/feel that refilling fish/meat and rebuilding mines and waterwells and wheatfields is the main appeal to the game - They are all happy to progress and replace buildings to avoid that in their game progression so they can focus on other aspects of the game

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Miss Tweak, you seem to forget that we were all ''new players'' at one stage and all lived through the tedium of searching for mines etc. If not having them is an issue for you take out your credit card, buy some gems and then purchase the endless mines.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    for me, endless means some tedioum is gone.

    i dont know how deel your desire to eliminate endless goes- I mean, a balance between silo's and wheatfields is also endless wheat without refills or rebuilds

    No endless watermills means we wont ever have enough space to build waterwells to do high end quests which use a lot of water etc etc

    I can see it- having half an island fileld with waterwells and spending 6 immersive horus a day rebuilding them- no thank you

    All endless mines are limited in amount you can own, in most cases it will either kinda make what you need or not make enough and all endless mines are extremely expensive- real money wise

    Tributes are endless as well- should they go as well in your version?

    Making tons of fish and meat refills is also not very immersive, just tedious

    Most do not play the game to spent most of their time rebuilding mines, fields or waterwells and refilling other stuff but play to get a balanced economy running to do adventures and make desisions what they make, what they sell and what they prefer to buy - basically the level of interaction with other players

    I havent found anyone yet- with maybe the exception of you, that think/feel that refilling fish/meat and rebuilding mines and waterwells and wheatfields is the main appeal to the game - They are all happy to progress and replace buildings to avoid that in their game progression so they can focus on other aspects of the game
    That's completely understable Qualan. I'm still gathering data about the game, and will be addressing the issues that you have brought up in another forum post. The refills, as agreeable, however to also be frank, really is quite ridiculous. Having said that, I don't believe I've mentioned that the main appeal of the game is with refills. Would you be able to provide a quote of where I may have communicated as so? In another forum post, I have mentioned what is the appeal of the game, to which isn't what you have perhaps believe that I would be of an exception to. If you believe that I believe otherwise, please provide the exact wording, by a quote, either with this particular forum thread or another forum thread, and I am more than happy to address the issue that you have brought up.

  7. #7
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I like endless building so i want thay stay in game.

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