Grout Tributes don't produce grouts! İ see product value grout tribute details but I don't see Economic Overview Resources Tab!
Grout Tributes don't produce grouts! İ see product value grout tribute details but I don't see Economic Overview Resources Tab!
The Tribute does work, it produces 1 piece of grout every 12 hours, + if you are very close to a store house 12 seconds of walk time + 6 seconds work preparation + 6 seconds cleanup, the total time exceeds the maximum possible display time of the Economy Overview by 24 seconds, so yes it works and no you cannot get a readout
The thumbnails are not really visible try a large image.
as you can see in the top richt it says 12 hour.
and here u can see that the production time is 6 sec + 6 sec + 12 hour + 6 sec + 6 sec + 1 sec = 12:00:25
and although in my production overview there is 0 production in reality there is 2 pieces of grout every 12 hour & 25 seconds
Last edited by wintertime; 28.02.23 at 11:08.
The same views and I think also the problem is the same, I posted a ticket but didn't get a real response.
Last edited by Ferhat56; 02.03.23 at 08:21.
This is not a problem, if you had bought the tunnel of love this event you would have seen the same thing, because it is impossible for the economy overview to display a production that is even 1 second beyond 12 hours it always is 0. And in this game production time includes walking, preparation and cleanup, so as long as the displayed time of the economy overview is 12 hours any production time, like the grout tribute or tunnel of love, is not, or displayed as 0.
Last edited by wintertime; 02.03.23 at 10:55.
wintertime is right, if you don't make at least one every 12 hours, it won't show. The token Mint is the same way, so are the oil mill tributes. You still get the resources; the economic overview shows zero.
My oil mill tributes produce 8 oil every 20h. One might think the economic overview should show 4 or 5 oil / 12 h. (4 or 5 from: 8 oil / 20h = 0.4 oil/h. 0.4 oil/h * 12h = 4.8 oil / 12 h.) But it doesn't, never has, it only shows the amount you make in 12h. Starting from hour 0, 12 hours later you still have 0. It's not until another (20h - 12h) 8 hours pass that I have any oil at all.
You can always sit and watch your resources when the tribute finishes, you'll see your grout go up.
It's been this way forever, I personally would prefer to see it all like you would. But you are still getting the stuff, and your economy shouldn't hinge on a bunch of tributes anyway, so no great loss that they only show one 12h period.
Thank you for the useful information, I understand exactly.