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Thread: Change Log 30/03/23

  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2020

    Change Log 30/03/23

    Easter Event implementation and new shop category!


    • New Event: This game update includes the technical implementation of this year's Easter Event, which begins on April 3rd!
    • Shop Update: A new shop category “Building skins” has been added and all building skins have been moved to it.

    • Buffs: Fisherman specific buffs now affect the 4th Era Roman Fisherman
    • Buffs: Fixed the Grand Field Hospital buff values for the Elite Soldier, it now scales like any other unit
    • Graphics: Non-workyard building animations will now play again
    • Mails: Mails notifying players that they have been outbid in an auction can now be deleted*
    • Misc: Fixed the Cursed Tower resource limits
    • Text: Fixed some localization issue
    • Chat: Switching the global chat channel will no longer switch the chat to the help channel
    • UI: Fixed a wrong shop description for Motherly Love adventure
    • UI: Fixed an issue that could cause building indicators missing**

    *Shady Auction mails: for some players, the icon responsible for immediately deleting messages may not be available. However, you can still delete them via the context menu.

    **Building indicators: in some cases, the settings for the building indicators are still disabled due to bugs in the previous version. In this situation, you will need to re-enable them in the in-game settings under your avatar on the left side of the screen.

    You are invited to provide your feedback > here <
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 30.03.23 at 15:02.

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