Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments on the Change Log 01/06/23.
The original post can be found here.
Happy commenting!
Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments on the Change Log 01/06/23.
The original post can be found here.
Happy commenting!
i like that the sorting function is back -- and the "geschraubt" up scrolling is back in action
sad not to see some more improvments like bulk sent for explorers what is realy needed for ppl who play by the rules and don't use the old client
and the short notice on the release note
Max u sound bitter. BB said no new content for now and that's understandable. Bulk sending would be new content...
Anyway.... Summer event is starting early this year. does this mean bb r going to squeeze in an extra event before the autumn?
ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice
Lots of work just for skins. Patching issues can be also an issue. For example the fix for collectibles to not show under mountains took out 1 building spot in area between mountains on border of sector 1 and sector 4, which I noticed only because I was moving in that time some residential buildings there. It used to fit 2 buildings, now it fits just 1. Live server is a danger zone! The flash spagetti code is hard to put into a nice and clean looking c# code, which is easier to understand and rewrite. This happens. It should be used as a learning opportunity. Lets not forget that cleaning up code is a gain for itself, though it does not bring lots of visible outright changes. It is more of a gain on infrastructure's maintenance side.
So the advanced notice you gave us for the last event was a one-off and we are back to BB giving us less than a weeks notice before starting an event. That really sucks! For the last few years the Football event has started around 20th June and so maybe that is what your players (at least those still playing) were expecting. It would be nice to be able to plan for these things - for example, I set off upgrades thinking I had at least one week to go before an event was starting! Very annoying.
Nice to have an event, but please please please, more notice next time!
Last edited by Al_The_Mighty; 31.05.23 at 18:48.
no new content - but they don't keep their word by implementing new buildings, changes on the merchent, ... . so i think i can sound a little bitter
-- --- -- -- -- - - -
and the notice for an event should be around the longest runing explorer time what is around 9 days for scared explorers
Last edited by Max_turtle; 01.06.23 at 05:54.
I agree with Al. Please Please more notice of a major event date change.
For the last few years the Summer event starts near the end of June, so we plan L6/L7 upgrades and prolonged searches around that.
Just a simple heads-up that the event this year is planned for early June is all we needed with a follow up two weeks before expected event start.
And nice to see sorting is coming back into trade - the order by offer date was the worst choice ever made.
Sorting by sale goods or offered goods is so much easier to use .. here hoping that's what is implemented![]()
Thank you BB. Good job![]()
[AMITY] Guild are recruiting see our post in Northisle Server's Guild Recruitment Thread
or contact me to find out more about us.Proof that size need not matter we won Gold in the Guild Fest
Settlers 30th Anniversary, been expecting for at least 5 years.
However, dropping another unannounced maintenance on us so late that many of us had barely 2 hours notice, well it's just getting worse, especially as this update must have been scheduled well in advance, cannot understand how Traffer and Co still don't grasp that these 3 servers are international and cover every time zone in the World!
Keep asking for a minimum 24 hrs notice but it just falls on deaf ears, then gets compounded when a day or 2 later, UPlay stuff everybody's game up with an unannounced maintenance on the login servers.
Looking forward to seeing Volker again, but hope for his sake he sticks to the forums, and doesn't look too closely at the mess they've made of his creation.
We love our new CM.
Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
It was good while it lasted.