Paraphrasing the descriptor for the treeit says explorers sent before it expires will bring back extra event resource... Humbles and fast explorers i sent before it expired this morning have come back with standard amounts.
Anyone else noticed this?
Paraphrasing the descriptor for the treeit says explorers sent before it expires will bring back extra event resource... Humbles and fast explorers i sent before it expired this morning have come back with standard amounts.
Anyone else noticed this?
yep, posted in forums, none sent before expires will bring anything.
Its still broken and doesn't do what it says it will do! Explorers sent while the tree is active but return after it expires should bring back extra resources but they dont!
old news
still bugged at halloween ((
Agree, fast ones back sent before timer counted down with nothing extra. Leaving loads of explorers out on prolonged with nothing extra to show for it. One of the potentially best features of the game and not fixed since easter. It needs to be fixed.
Same here, explorers sent out before Egg hunt (Timer) finished but came back with no extra pumpkins. In description it says that explorers sent while the buff still active should bring extra even those who return after the buff expires. Hope this gets fixed.
Last edited by oogie; 28.10.23 at 10:09.
shrug- it is kinda living up to expectations, this should be a small fix but is on a back burner or not on the list so it will get dragged along
On the up side, they didnt fix anything so neither the - All explorers instantly go home when you trigger the buff" bug is still active as well so in theory that should kinda even things out (so next event make sure all are on longest search when you trigger tree )
And here we are in Christmas event, and same, explorers sent with zone buff active, but no bonus after zone buff expires, sad.
Just noted the same. Explorers have to be sent AND return within the 48 hours to get the bonus. Description says "includes those who arrive after the buff expires" but this is not correct.