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Thread: Longboat Storehouse disappeared (no warning or information given whatsoever)

  1. #11
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiggy8 View Post
    You prove my point. Many thanks.

    This is the reason I did not put my post in 'Technical Errors & Bugs'

    BB's own records show the building was first introduced in 2021. And that particular building (Longboat Storehouse) goes back in star menu.

    How can such a critical bug creep in a copy-paste code unless someone takes a "conscious effort" to change the code?
    The building you referred to was not a calendar reward - Buildings come in different categories with their own limits etc- If they made a new database item with the same characteristics, and they forget to mark it correctly as a star menu item, this is the result

    So programming error

    Not some deep dark conspiracy at BB to make life miserable for players

    and yet again that word "Critical" Really get over yourself- this is an annoying irritating lamentable bug, but by no means a critical bug

    It impacts a gift from the calendar - a decent gift unlike some others-

    Chances are they will fix it as they fixed similar issues in the past Those that got hot will have to hope support will fix it, others can take this into account and avoid it

  2. #12
    Nifty Jiggy8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    Are you an official (or unofficial) spokesperson for BB?

    Just curious?

  3. #13
    Ruler of the Land
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    i have nothing to do with BB, just a regular player nothing more, nothing less

  4. #14
    Treasure Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiggy8 View Post

    How can such a critical bug creep in a copy-paste code unless someone takes a "conscious effort" to change the code?

    Whisper bug has also returned.

  5. #15
    Treasure Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiggy8 View Post
    I want my Longboat Storehouse back. Period.
    The solution is given by Qualan. You can rant (whatever too much to read) at other players, but then don't expect any help. We did not make your longboat disappear.
    Don't ask for a solution if you don't want it.

  6. #16
    Nifty Jiggy8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetah2_777 View Post
    The solution is given by Qualan. You can rant (whatever too much to read) at other players, but then don't expect any help. We did not make your longboat disappear.
    Don't ask for a solution if you don't want it.
    What solution did he give? GO and post a ticket,,,,, already did that long back before posting it here.
    Did I blame you or anyone in the player community for losing my longboat storehouse? Or it is just you who picked on a passing arrow on yourself?

  7. #17
    Treasure Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiggy8 View Post
    What solution did he give? GO and post a ticket,,,,, already did that long back before posting it here.
    Did I blame you or anyone in the player community for losing my longboat storehouse? Or it is just you who picked on a passing arrow on yourself?
    - You did not say anywhere that you submitted a ticket, how can we guess ? Be mad at yourself not at us.
    - You cry here your longboat is gone: What do you want, empathy? A solution? Vent your frustrations? Pick a fight?
    - I'm just here to help. Not everyone has your (passive) aggressive "picking arrows" mindset it seems.

    If you submitted that ticket: Well then you have to wait. Patience is a virtue.... Yours seems to be virtual.

  8. #18
    Nifty Jiggy8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetah2_777 View Post
    You and Qualan really have a lot of time dudes for an issue that is not even directed remotely at you (facepalm).

    And honestly you both seem to amuse yourself thinking you are helping me or my case.

  9. #19
    Treasure Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiggy8 View Post
    You and Qualan really have a lot of time dudes for an issue that is not even directed remotely at you (facepalm).

    And honestly you both seem to amuse yourself thinking you are helping me or my case.
    IF it were up to me, I'd put your ticket at the bottom of the pile.

  10. #20
    Ruler of the Land
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    Seems to me that you came here to cause a drama and throw a hissifit

    You did what u had to do- submit a ticket- smart move as that is the most likely path to a solution

    Then u came here to throw a tantrum and exagerate and got called out for it (and pointed out the way to try to solve it- which you already knew before going onto the forum to complain)

    I jyust call em as i see em- If you unfairly accuse BB of things i will call it out just as if i see Bb doing something wrong i will point it out as well- i dont play favorites or worse

    People get angry - i get that, people will rant, i get that- but when you go that route and someone points that out- that doenst make em your enemy etc.

    You are the one that came with the ridiculous statement that they are deliverately coding "disappearing gifts" into the game - That is the thing you get called out for. Not for being agry at BB for a most likely avoidable mistake

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