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Thread: Delete Specialists, please

  1. #1
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Delete Specialists, please

    I would like to request a delete a Specialist week, or maybe a month, or maybe have the ability permanently. But with a pop up asking if we really want to do this.

    This may raise some eyebrows, especially with people who have not played for long and therefore do not have many specialists yet, but let me explain.

    I now have over 100 generals, over 100 Explorers and 56 Geologists.
    I don't use half of the Generals or Geologists.
    Given the chance I would delete at a minimum: 24 Generals, 2 Explorers ( Tavern ) and 16 Geologists.

    When i first started ( and there are lots of people played longer than me ) we could get the 6 Tavern generals and in events or for gems Battle Hardened Generals that were an improvement and Veteran Generals that were a lot better, then BB brought out Major Generals, another improvement and more recently Older Gemini Generals the best of this type so far.

    When I started I got the Tavern and when I could the Battle Hardened of which there were a few different ones but basically the same. Then when i could I got the Veterans then Majors and now The Older Gemini which makes all the preceding ones virtually obsolete.

    BB also brought out the warriors of Anteria generals, Nusala, Anselem + Vargus with Special skills and in todays jargon, must have's.

    Since then lots of new Generals with different skills or abilities and I suppose most of us bought them with Event Resources or Gems.

    As for Geologists, the same sort of things apply.

    I have 7 Field Medic generals which I keep receiving for doing quests in the Anniversary event, no use to me at all but useful for new players so while I would not want this to completely stop but when you give specialist as a reward can you not offer an alternative reward as you do in the Calendars, multiple choice, it does not have to be much but something so I do not have to take the specialist.

    I look forward to the views of my fellow settlers.

    Regards H.

  2. #2
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    I would prefer the option to trade them within guild if needs be, so newer players can ge the benefit of them. But I take your point of a long que at the unemployed office for certain gens geo's and explorers.

  3. #3
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Hi Highlande, I agree with you but doubt that will ever be allowed.

  4. #4
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Yet another wonderful idea from a loyal long time player, that probably won't be implemented. But thank you for trying. For what it's worth, I love this idea.

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    yes anything to reduce the clutter would be nice- even if it is making a visible/invisible toggle in star or move "inactives" to a separate tab if deletion is seen as potentially problematic for support

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    i requested a "recycler" for generals a long time ago, ... i think it is not gonna happen

  7. #7
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    at least not in a hurry- but it cant hurt to keep it on the radar

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    Support the idea to move none-used specialist to an inactive tab or whatever. Its anyoing as [censored] - even for a new player - to have tons of specialist u dont want to use or just dont simple use cause u have many better options.

    Im in guild with people who have over 500+ specialist, and i cant even think how do they do. They have 300+ explorers and sending out every day. Its a big hassel. There is many ways to help the players enjoy the game more with some simple features to the game.

    /I removed the "bad" word ~BB_Trafffer
    Last edited by BB_Trafffer; 30.11.23 at 12:03.

  9. #9
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Trafffer's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Thank you for the suggestion, I know it has been made by other players in the past, however I have updated the list of suggestions.

    Also, I have cleared the topic of unrelated posts, so please stick to the topic. If you folks want to discuss other things, you can always open a new thread.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    An Inactive or Favorite tab would be helpful. But takes a change and might cause other problems. Don't like the idea of giving or trading them as something is nice if you have to actually do yourself and not be helped with - part of the game.

    I just sort my star by name. And rename all gens/geos/expl. I name them after type and time for searches and in groups I like to send them or use in case of gens. And I have a large group named something starting with x/y/z of the geos and gens just to have them all nicely at the end and out of sight. Works well for me so don't feel the need for a change.

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