Can someone help me with a link to a guide with abbreviated words? Like 'wts'
If it doesn't exist, can someone write the abbreviations with the explanation next to them?
I also need abbreviations for adventures.
Can someone help me with a link to a guide with abbreviated words? Like 'wts'
If it doesn't exist, can someone write the abbreviations with the explanation next to them?
I also need abbreviations for adventures.
I doubt a list exists for TSo, but many are similar to other games- As to adventures, they do not have an uniform abreviation
common ones are:
wtb = want to buy
wts = want to sell
LS= lootspot
PC= price check
PFB= prestigious friend buff
rph= rarity provision house
BC= Besieged city
DB= dark brotherhood
DP= dark priest
BK= black knight
VLT= valiant little tailor
TOK= Treasure of Knowledge
2T or 2nd = Ali baba and the Second thief
OL= Oil Lamp
SS= sea snake
There are at least two old forum topics: