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Thread: [Feedback] Mayor Update - First Edition

  1. #11
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    North-east England, UK
    Nice to hear of a different mechanism of providing content - a nice new piece of creativity. I value this a lot more than just adding levels (which does nothing for the player experience IMO). :-)

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    So trying to back to what this thread is for - do you like the way a monthly update is planned, the depth of content, and some pointers to new features and functionaility !
    Yes - works for me.
    Reminder of what I may have/should have/did not read in the dev diary updates and spoilers for proposed changes in the pipeline.
    Simple and effective.
    This is the "management overview" ...... we did stuff, we still need to do stuff, and this could become new stuff.
    What could help is links to dev diary or other news articles where more details have already been provided, if I am interesetd.

  3. #13
    Treasure Hunter
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    Nov 2020
    Really enjoying that management have wasted so much time and our money holding meetings on how to do what you was already doing. Your so incompetent that you think more of the same old recycled blandness meets the demand for something new.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    I am not sure why BB never seems to listen to players and what they really want for this game. How long have players been calling out for an easier way to send out explorers? Years! It is far too time consuming, especially if you have been playing this game for a long time and have 100+ explorers. More space, plese add more Islands with a bit more interest, this has already been mentioned. Decrease the size of some of the buildings like Magnificent residence, they are far too big and take up too much room. One of our Guild members has already wrote regarding the endless number of generals that are just gathering dust in star,could there be any way to sell these Generals to lower level Guild members or on TO, alternatively just send them back. I am never going to use Reaper and many others. Many events are also just the same year in year out, with no change. I will concur with others that have posted that ore details need to be given as to what is actually in the pipeline, that would be helpful. Why cant we have ships that we own and we can send out to gain more supplies? we have a harbour and you should have the ability to upgrade it and build ships to explore new lands. I have been playing this gamme for 12 years and these were mentioned years ago and still nothing.

  5. #15
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2012
    I don't think the feedback the developers are following comes from the players

    The weekly quests got a fairly negative feedback when they were added with people wanting a way to turn them off, the developers are adding more of this? instead of a fix for space or explorer RSI? We also still have that building that needs 500 manuscripts to activate which shows a clear lack of balance understanding, I certainly hope this new content isnt going to be 5 gems a week for 1000 tomes.

    I don't see the point in requesting more levels without new content to go with it.

    We just have to face the fact the game went into maintenance mode years ago and there is only likely to be copy+paste from previous content going into the future.

  6. #16
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Poland / Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotugo View Post
    I certainly hope this new content isnt going to be 5 gems a week for 1000 tomes.
    Well, right now one of the quests at the beginning of the second part requires you to spend 180 advanced tools to produce 1 item to collect 1 collectible off the map, and it looks like you'll be repeating this hundreds of times.

    But no need to worry about that, because this deploy has all sorts of bugs that can completely block you from finishing the quests, like tabs not appearing in certain buildings where you should be able to produce quest items, or one of the ways of collecting resources from the map not working because the game says you dont have spare settlers to work even if you have thousands. So the upside is if they dont fix it quick you wont even get to the costly quests.

    The icing on the cake is the fact that you can complete some parts with gems to avoid some bugs, but in the following parts you'll be missing resources/ items you'd have produced earlier, and some of the quests have a time limit so if you accidentally bricked your account for that questline theres a very good chance you'll have to cancel the entire questline, and only after few days from now we will know if the questline appears again after cancellation.

    Oh, and .. the fixes to some bugs dont work retroactively (at least on the test server they dont) so right now if you were stuck at any point the solution is to .. create a new account

    But hopefully all that gets you hyped enough for a new content.
    Last edited by sparkz; 14.01.24 at 06:47.

  7. #17
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post

    Oh, and .. the fixes to some bugs dont work retroactively (at least on the test server they dont) so right now if you were stuck at any point the solution is to .. create a new account

    But hopefully all that gets you hyped enough for a new content.
    It is not entirely correct to compare content on test to live servers - The bugs you are referring to are exactly why it is on test as some issues are design issues more than bugs (like spawns in the wrong place) Having new stuff on test to find these problems is what test should be for- The content is now being reviewed/redesigned

    Which now gets us to the next problem: people complaining we were promissed new content in January which they arent pushing to live now - But if they did with the fatal flaws in it, would cause a greater uproar )

    They wont fix the accounts on test as the easiest way to fix it, is to redeploy test server when they re release the new content and solve all instances in one easy go - That has happened in the past as well - all part and parcel of playing/testing on test

  8. #18
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Poland / Finland
    Funny how you get things backwards.

    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    Having new stuff on test to find these problems is what test should be for
    No, thats what internal testing is for, and why any company with a little bit of respect to themselves and their customers employs competent people to do it.

    Which now gets us to the next problem: people complaining we were promissed new content in January which they arent pushing to live now - But if they did with the fatal flaws in it, would cause a greater uproar )
    Thats why in any company that has (I hate repeating myself) a little bit of respect to their customers critical bugs are found and fixed prior to announcing the deployment to live servers, not after.

    They wont fix the accounts on test as the easiest way to fix it, is to redeploy test server
    Its not the accounts that need fixing, its the content that is supposed to be delivered to you from the server side. If they cant do it, it doesnt serve as an excuse to not fixing something on test server, it is instead an exposure of critical architecture flaws, but I guess thats old news at this point.

  9. #19
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Market Harborough,Leicestershire,UK
    Following up on the post regarding more space/land, etc. One solution besides giving a chance to populate more new islands would be to take the approach in another online game(dare I say FOE) whereby you can move your buildings to a clipboard and then remove them back to another configuration at no cost.
    Also, what is happening to the harbour building? It's been stagnant now for a few years; surely this would be the ideal place for ships to go out and find new land(as in a similar Ubisoft game)

  10. #20
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    I'd say I like the game. It is messed up, but I still like it. Bring some good new stuff. Hope you have creative peeps in your company that can think of content which will actually enhance the game.
    As to expensive quests - end game players have tons of resources. Hardly anything is too expensive, we need a resource sink. I am happy to spend a lot of resources on something interesting which opens something new for me. I need a challenge in the game. Something I can work on long-term and that brings some significant change as a result. Crying for all kinds of automation services, however much needed for long term players, is not gonna fix the game or make it more interesting. If there is automation provided should cost something so there is a balance. Cost something manageable, nto gems or crystals, something we can afford to spend on automation, but it should be resource paid service. Just like moving buildings is. The better the building, the higher the cost of moving it. Otherwise you get peeps shouting for joy first week after introduction, and then complaining next week that they have too much free resources from all those explorers. Developers need to think how to make the game more interesting or potentially challenging for old timers, not just easier or simpler. Stuff that will make high end players work for it, which low and players can't do and have to develop their economy etc. to be able to do that. Otherwise there is no progress in the game, no challenge, when everything is too easy. There must be stuff which you have to work for yourself, which you can't get in tons from other players. Exclusive buildings, chains, productions, resources, places to visit ..... whatever, that cannot be gifted or traded, that are only available through specific endeavor, like epic work-yards with levels of development included which nobody can bypass unless they work for it. More of such content with more variation is needed to keep the end-gamer busy. Excluding those who will be unhappy no matter what you do, little or much.

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