The help low level get's now compared to when I started is quite different. For the last 5 years, if a low level have a problem with resources, the high level is quick to help so they can get to the fun stuff. At the guild I've been part of for the last many years, at any event all event resources (presents, pumpkin etc) is pooled and used to help the low level to get the important generals, explorers and buildings, so no .. this will no push the low level out - in my experience it will make them play longer. (unless you are a stingy guild that demands they do things themself)
How do you fathom that the task is complex??? They already have a unit container class (quarter meister) - they basically need to change the units that is allowed to explorer and then - when the finite number of units (explorers) have been added - do a batch send given the requested action (e.g. prolonged treasure search). Not saying it's a 2 hours task, but complex ...