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Thread: Collectibles

  1. #1
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    I noticed to follow the map they find only certain collectibles. (Herbs,Barrel,Scerecrow). While, Grain Sackes, Food Cart, are found very rarely or not at all, and I need them for buff Guaranteed Food Coma Feast. Create an equal relationship collectibles not to wait two years to make Food Coma Feast.

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Some are rare by design- what is the point in having everything in abundance ...

    you just want unlimited food fests- if u do, then trade for the items- Foodcarts were in high demand whne people made barracks buffs with em but not so much now- so plenty to buy in trade for the right price

    Use costume time in carnival grounds to make boxes and try to harvest more that way etc etc

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Hahahaha, be more realistic. There are no offers for you on the market collectibles. Most players have given up on this game due to professional management, offers on the market are 10 times less. Ten years i have been playing this game i collected them 500. And for one buff I need 200. I need that buff for adventures and it lasts for two hours. Which would mean, if I was lucky, I would use it once every year or two. And I could use it every other day if it was better designed, and so I could progress faster.
    Ratio collected for ten years of play.

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Guess you want manuscripts to be produced faster as well so you can use art of war exhibit buff

    The solution to the problem is not to create other problems, but to fix the silly requirements in the first place

    That is the reason most people use outdoor canteen lvl 2 and not lvl 5

    The lvl 5 is situational and arguably on the expensive side but there is no reason to make it a buff that you can use back to back as it is way too powerful for that

    The game is getting easier and easier and quicker as is (look at starfall and the xp bonanza from it) with no new content on the horizon - The only result in making a +20% health/12% damage buff widely available is making even more content trivial faster

    And you dont need the lvl 3-5 buffs, they are nice to haves and if you time it right with super speedy feet and scouting post active, you make a silly amount of xp with it, esp during event times

  5. #5
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Would everyone use level five if it was easier to make, that's what I'm talking about here.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    my bet is, if the buff is cheap and easy enough to trigger or even easy enough to trigger, it would be used all the time by everyone

    look at love tree- that should be nerfed as it is too cheap for what it brings - esp in events with fields or even the gold chain production etc

    BB has always been bad at balancing as the balancers do not really play the game in open servers else they wouldnt come up with the crazy cost (both ways)

    Anyway i ran a little test- got 400 carts in like 40 mins but it isnt something that is sustainable int he longer run as the buff is on the expensive side

    But knowing bb, we both will get ignored on the modifications :P

  7. #7
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I'm just suggesting. I haven't even used it before collectibles nor did I make of them buff in Mayor house, i noticed this recently, using Guaranteed Food Coma Feast.

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