When shortening numbers, please make sure that you actually do:

1.77k is five characters and loses information compared to the four characters in 1773.

If in doubt, strlen() or similar should help.

Bonus content: This is a case where shortening would have been welcome (I think that's 1.7e10 or 1.7 trillion, no, do not ask me)


My original wish and intent was to create a thread with one "Innits how to easily improve the game" suggestion a day. I think I have enough to last a lifetime. Having read this subforums guidelines I reluctantly will not (for now). I would be less reluctant if I thought anyone from BB actually read and listened to these suggestions - if they did we would have had a way to mass send explorers years ago.
This is the first, I may or may not link to previous ones to create a kind of "my collection".