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Thread: Show which player owns the adventure - how to easily improve the game

  1. #1
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Angry Show which player owns the adventure - how to easily improve the game


    Which of these adventures is mine? How can I tell which one I'm sending generals to? How incompe... oh never mind, *sigh*.

    Add the name of the player to the adventure and ALWAYS place my adventure first. This isn't rocket surgery.

    (Yes, in the first picture sometimes I can guess which one's mine by the time, in the second I can't. That's beside the point.)

    Edit: "fun" fact, if you log out and in again they tend to swap places too because consistency is key and BB are locked out.


    My original wish and intent was to create a thread with one "Innits how to easily improve the game" suggestion a day. I think I have enough to last a lifetime. Having read this subforums guidelines I reluctantly will not (for now). I would be less reluctant if I thought anyone from BB actually read and listened to these suggestions - if they did we would have had a way to mass send explorers years ago.

    This is the fifth, here is yesterday post.
    Last edited by Innit; 29.04.24 at 16:05. Reason: fun fact

  2. #2
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Your adventure is the one with the active invite button.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    not that it matters a whole lot, these suggestions will all find their way to the famous round archive at BB's

    Most have been done at least a few times in the past

    Also, what looks easy isnt always easy

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    There are real issues that makes people lose items and resources,- so why fix stuff that does not really matter, or is just a minor nusance. The adv you joined /started first is norammy the one on top of the list.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  5. #5
    Skilled Student
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    Feb 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    There are real issues that makes people lose items and resources,- so why fix stuff that does not really matter, or is just a minor nusance. The adv you joined /started first is norammy the one on top of the list.
    No it isn't, it varies.

    The main point of these posts isn't because I think BB will fix anything. They are genuine suggestions that I think would improve the game, most of them with very little effort. The main point of these posts is to illustrate in excruciating detail just how bad a job BB do. Who knows, maybe that might shame some of them into at least trying. Maybe it's just an outlet for my extreme frustration with how a terrible company has taken a game concept which is really good and which I and thousands of others enjoy and have done their best to ruin it. Maybe I might even inspire someone to make something better? At least I *try* to provide constructive criticism. That way at least I'll have documented why I can genuinely call them all incompetent, with proof. Not that it's needed with the current hotfix-after-every-update state of affairs but you never know. Maybe, one day, they'll hire someone who cares and who genuinely tries to improve the game (not to spoiler a future episode in this tragicomedy).

  6. #6
    Glorious Graduate
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    Dec 2011


    Thinks that look easy arent always easy- Unless you know the back end, it is not a judegment you can really make

    This is an old game with loads of stuff added since initial development, including pvp, elite troops etc - Then it moved platform without a full rebuild

    This all adds to complexity and loads of unexpected errors

    Could BB do a better job- Yes

    Will they really put in a ton of new developers and budget in to "fix" a load of minor issues- No hope in hell. If i was BB i would sink that money into a full rebuild of the game and launch TSO II instead fixing the game, the engine and the economy in one go + attract a load of new players which a rework of the current game will never do

    And it is funny how you say you bring "constructive critisism" so you can call them incompetent as they wont fix/do what you suggest in some way shape or form. So what is your agenda....

    To be honest- half or more of the issues you state here in the various posts should be very low or not on the agenda of BB. It will cost a ton of time and there are a lot more game impacting issues to fix and after that i hope they spent time on new content development and not fixing minor irritants at best -

    If they followed your advice i bet they have a nice looking game with a lot of logic and consistency and hardly any players -

    A lot of what you post has been posted here multiple times as well - the fact BB hasnt adressed it, suggests it wont be adressed anytime soon either.

    We all share the same frustrations at some level or another - don't misunderstand me - so i understand where your are coming from, but i disagree with the qualifications and priorities )

  7. #7
    Skilled Student
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    Quote Originally Posted by ambandil View Post
    Thinks that look easy arent always easy- Unless you know the back end, it is not a judegment you can really make
    If you genuinely think adding athe player name to an adventure is a difficult task then I see no basis for a fruitful discussion here.

    Too many replies to my suggestions here have been of the type "do something entirely different". I agree that bugs of a certain severity should be fixed first. One of my major issues is that BB spend time and resources on nonsense like skins and game-destroying, broken stuff like Starfall (which has ruined any sense of achievement from levelling up for me at least) while there is low hanging fruit that could easily improve the game.

    If BB aren't going to listen at all - and it sure seems like it - why even have this subforum.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Innit View Post

    If BB aren't going to listen at all - and it sure seems like it - why even have this subforum.
    They do listen- Traffer is living proof that they do as he knows most suggestions made here (it seems)

    Alas, what they never tell you is that the answer is almost always no - or if they tell us, it is not on these forums :P

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