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Thread: rework seasonal mini events to also include elite adventures

  1. #1
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    rework seasonal mini events to also include elite adventures

    It is getting highly annoying to have mini events which excludes (by now) the largest part of the player base to actively participate as there is no elite adventure or venture inthe list to play

    If you are past a certain level, you will not go and grind classic adventures etc as they won;t return enough xp nor the right type of loots for developing your island at that level

    It should be simple enough to include 2 elite adventures/ventures even if it is "slightly" off the theme troopwise

    This event you could have easily promoted lost city and/or one of the thieves adventures as "fighting the hidden barbarians" and give people something to participate in that actually has a benefit for them. Now there is no shop with event items nor xp rewards that are worth pursuing as a lvl 68+ player as you get grout etc needed for upgrades and more xp for the same lvl of troops/resources sacrificed doing a non event elite adventure than participate in the event

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Poland / Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    It should be simple enough
    Some time ago they went on record saying that happy hours are scripted and appear at random times, including server downtime, not because they want to but because they dont know how to turn it off.

    So for all you know the event you're talking about might not even be deliberate, just something scheduled at certain intervals they forgot about for years and is just happening without any outside control.

    Also god forbid they would have to rework any part of content, because they pretty much never did in the 13.5 years this game exists.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I know

    Just knocking on the door every so often in case they think they can forget it. They sometimes do some minor tweaks but i can only remember them adden an adventure to an existing event around erm 2016 or so )

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