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Thread: [AMITY] The Freedom Militia - Recruiting :)

  1. #1
    Battle Hardened Contributor Mortallicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    [AMITY] The Freedom Militia - Recruiting :)

    All levels and all Nationalities welcome
    We would be a great Guild to join if you are unsure Settlers is the game for you but of course we would hope that you would stay. You can learn about the game within a small group of friendly players who will not put pressure on you. You will get all the help you need/want and can learn about the game at your chosen speed. (All guild members are considered friends to complete any quests needing them)

    ABOUT US:-
    We are a small Guild formed just May this year and with members who have played for up to 12 years. We have Guild Quests and help can be given for you to complete them. We have no rules . You take time out when needed and for how long you need. You do not have to chat if you don’t want to but it is great if people do of course. If you need time out for a long time as long as we are aware that it is your aim to return you will not be removed from the Guild.

    If you would like to ask any questions or if you would like an invite please drop a line via ingame mail to Mortallicus or troillus.

    Or why not send us a Friend Request and one of us will whisper you or send a mail. Once you have a friend on your list for 24 hours you may trade directly with them. Really useful for those early quests whether you are in a guild or not.

    PS. If you are in a Guild already but for some reason think you may prefer a Guild like ours then please contact us.

    PPS. There is a new event trialling on the Test Server ( GUILD FEST. Players are currently testing it and making suggestions so important changes are likely to be made before becoming live in hopefully January next. The entry level is for ALL Guilds of 2 members or more and we are yet to understand fully how this will work. Our Guild will do our best to obtain the best possible results for our members. So true that size does not matter
    Last edited by Mortallicus; 19.10.24 at 12:21.

  2. #2
    Battle Hardened Contributor Mortallicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    We are looking for players just like us , so if you are wanting peace and tranquility "amity" much of the time but can be a little bit more scary 'amityville' when you feel like it, then you are just what we need.

    Send me , Mortallicus, a friend request and I will send you a Guild invite.
    Or hit our apply button in the Guild Shield (we have 16 members at the moment)
    Last edited by Mortallicus; 19.01.25 at 21:11. Reason: Increase in Members
    [AMITY] Guild are recruiting see our post in Northisle Server's Guild Recruitment Thread
    or contact me to find out more about us.
    Proof that size need not matter we won Gold in the Guild Fest

  3. #3
    Battle Hardened Contributor Mortallicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    We are a small friendly Guild that will not make you feel swamped or rushed faster than you find comfortable, but plenty of good advice and help. We ask for nothing in return we just want to help you enjoy the game.

    Send me a friend invite or find us in the Silver Guild Shield. Guild name The Freedom Militia [AMITY]

    [AMITY] Guild are recruiting see our post in Northisle Server's Guild Recruitment Thread
    or contact me to find out more about us.
    Proof that size need not matter we won Gold in the Guild Fest

  4. #4
    Battle Hardened Contributor Mortallicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hello all who enter here, welcome

    To join our Guild we are on page 7 of the Guild List, moving up slowly. Just hit the apply to Guild Button. All levels and Nationalities are welcome.

    If you are a Guild of 1 member to 17 and would be interested in a chat about your Guild merging with ours then please write me a quick mail in game and I will send a friend invite to you so we can have a chat.

    [AMITY] Guild are recruiting see our post in Northisle Server's Guild Recruitment Thread
    or contact me to find out more about us.
    Proof that size need not matter we won Gold in the Guild Fest

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