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Thread: [Feedback] [Dev Diary] Guild Fest

  1. #11
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    BB, did you check the achievements for this rubbish? Jokers, you been asked multiple times not to rush rubbish buggish stuff out. Math must been very hard for you in school, wonders how you did it into something like IT/games, and 100s cheers on player itself and double on guildies? lol.

    Edit: and ofc, no work on sorting out your general, yeah mean general ERROR, that lands on island of Maintenance, not allowing game start for some time, and poor connection and server performance of the whole game.
    Last edited by First_Lord; 02.12.24 at 14:55.

  2. #12
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Comment to design, one more BR in a row and will give up, very booooooring, complete BR, 1000 points, complete BR, 1000 points, complete BR, complete BR, complete BR, complete BR, complete wooot? BR.

    OK, my fault, apparently is any coop, just hidden in 3 dots, was told by someone. But boring, we have coop events on already, still plenty of addies not included in any events. Not on good loots anyway.
    Last edited by First_Lord; 02.12.24 at 15:57.

  3. #13
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Btw, BB, you gave us Guild Fest, but guild market is broken for some time again, incl. vote. big laugh on you.

  4. #14
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    May the big guilds win.
    Basicly this event will just make it even harder to get new players if you are a small guild.

    This event is utterly boring and brings nothing new, just the same old "do adventures". I think we had enough of that concept by now.

    You also bring it unannounced, in the midst of all kinds of connection problems. I wonder if BB has any clue on how to run this game.
    We do not see you in the forums anymore, not even mods.
    There are hardly any real responses here on the forums, most complaints/feedback are just ignored.

    Have a good day.

  5. #15
    Master of Strategy
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    I did post above - but have some more comments - I do hope this time, the server is not dead when I click post - like it did yesterday.

    1- This might be a nice idea- Would have loved this 6 years ago, when I was in an active guild. I do not know if we have any such left- or how to spot them.

    2 - No one sane will pay 600 coins for a buff or for adventures - you did put in too many zeros when you put in the prices in the merchant. New players don't have 600 coins to use for 1 adventure, old players have 100 of each adv already.

    3 The requirements for the ach - are way out - no way we have time or buffs enough to get that high in buffing token production buildings. The rewards - well I am not jumping up and down in excitement. New players might like the guild coins - but to high level players - not really anything to use them on, and the numbers here - compared to merchant prices - not that generous.

    4. On an ideal server with lots of active guilds, this could be fun, but it would be more fun if we could see where we are on the rankings list. Not much fun when this is over - then where is the competition.

    5 Guilds - guild descriptions and the way guild recruits, need a makeover. I would bet that most new guild members are recruited in chat - even though that is against the rules.

    6 At this stage - it would have been nice, if it was fun - not just for the very few active guilds left, but for all players.- That could be achieved by improving the achievements and the rewards for those.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  6. #16
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post

    2 - No one sane will pay 600 coins for a buff or for adventures - you did put in too many zeros when you put in the prices in the merchant. New players don't have 600 coins to use for 1 adventure, old players have 100 of each adv already.
    You only need 350 cheers and 350 cheer harder to complete achievements. It it is just 420 000 gc. That's cheap. It is barely over 100 Recyclers.

  7. #17
    Master of Strategy
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylancer View Post
    You only need 350 cheers and 350 cheer harder to complete achievements. It it is just 420 000 gc. That's cheap. It is barely over 100 Recyclers.
    Well - I dont have that many - and why would I get them - when the number of guild coins I get in reward are smaller than what I use to get the reward?
    I only have 3-4 active guild members - I would need to buff 35 times a day to be able to meet the ach -so I would run out of buildings to buff pretty fast.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  8. #18
    Glorious Graduate
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    Mar 2018
    Another thing, they want to burn resources, from star and such, dunno if lower lvls have different burn rates, but as they set it, 2-3 events and even high lvls with plenty will run out, if burning for guild whole time, its like 250k cannon or titan for a day, its correct over years we amassed millions of those, but that rates they put in for points, depletion will occur prob. over first year if they run it 4-6t. So bad design again.

  9. #19
    Community Manager
    Nifty BB_Kumakun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Thank you so much for your value feedback. I will forward it to the team.

    However, in regards to the newest game version, would you please be so kind and tell me if you started to experience more "ingame issues".
    Especially "Game crashes" without or with an error code or getting stuck in the postbox, if you click on messages (hour glass stuck).

  10. #20
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    Well - I dont have that many - and why would I get them - when the number of guild coins I get in reward are smaller than what I use to get the reward?
    I only have 3-4 active guild members - I would need to buff 35 times a day to be able to meet the ach -so I would run out of buildings to buff pretty fast.
    Well, you should get them. If you have guild of 100 members, and you all finish the Guild Quest, you get 284gc daily. You need only 1479 days to acquire that amount. That is only 4 years.
    Or simpler. You need to do Guild Quest with 99 other members of the guild twice in order to buy a buff that lasts 1 hour as friend buff.

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