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Thread: [Feedback] [Dev Diary] Guild Fest

  1. #21
    Original Serf
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    5 Guilds - guild descriptions and the way guild recruits, need a makeover. I would bet that most new guild members are recruited in chat - even though that is against the rules.
    New players don't come to the forum.

    I used to play a certain browser game long ago, where new players randomly spawned in a guild. I think that would be a good system for this game as wel. They have access right away to help and advice that way. Ofcourse, only let them spawn in a guild that had an active member in the last 24h, so they do not end up in dead guilds.
    This increases the changes of new players sticking around, and it gives all guilds (small and big, with and without no-lifers that are in chat all day to pick up new players) an equal chance to get new players.

  2. #22
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Kumakun View Post
    Thank you so much for your value feedback. I will forward it to the team.

    However, in regards to the newest game version, would you please be so kind and tell me if you started to experience more "ingame issues".
    Especially "Game crashes" without or with an error code or getting stuck in the postbox, if you click on messages (hour glass stuck).
    This has been going on for like a month or so now. We get booted from the game, sometimes you get in right away again, sometimes it can take up to half an hour.
    It has not improved so far as far as I can tell. Just happens randomly.
    Personally I think it has to do with the Ubisoft account, it feels like a session expiration, or login validation that goes wrong.

  3. #23
    Glorious Graduate
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    Morgwyn, not good idea, esp. if ggc and quests are from 10 members (they might be assign into small one and be missing out), but not big fan of guilds anyway.

    Kumakun, if you mean your changes of auto-restart browser, well, still had general ERROR sending me to island of MAINTENANCE on guild fest active, noticed auto restart first time yesterday, was away for bit, so started to be really online Sunday. Would say autorestart was triggered in about 30-50% of cases, dunno what error it should sort out.
    But very necessary to say, that solution is not a solution at all, instead of finding the bug adding auto restart is cheap plaster on deep cut instead of stiches or ducttape replacing broken screw instead of buying new one. Might cause even more problems in future if bugs are not found and sorted out.
    As for number of occurrences, would say depends on how many players are online, so was more often on Sunday (weekend) a bit less Monday, but also noticed a lot of event only players didn't show up on this one yet, so not so bad, as they dont know about event. lol.

    Edit: Just had one caused by your auth server wanting login again after 8h, auto restart browser ofc didnt work, wasted my time writing post, coz ofc new login caused problem for forum server to crash after hitting save button, and your change of code made login page not to remember login details, so player has to type them every frieking time in again and again, so for me worse and wrong direction.
    Last edited by First_Lord; 03.12.24 at 18:32.

  4. #24
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by First_Lord View Post
    Morgwyn, not good idea, esp. if ggc and quests are from 10 members (they might be assign into small one and be missing out), but not big fan of guilds anyway.
    Believe me it is. Just get rid of that silly 8 member rule to be able to get guild coins. And most new members are not interested in that right away anyways.
    If they keep this guild fest thing, then you need a wide variety of larger guilds, otherwise it will always be the same guild(s) winning. Where is the fun in that?
    That aside from the current concept being boring.

    The current system of recruiting just is no good. New players do not go to the dedicated thread on the forum (which is understandable), and as soon as one player without a guild tag pops up in chat, everybody jumps on it. It is not a good concept. I have seen in work in other games.
    Starting in a guild is way better than starting solo. And let the player make the choice to go to another guild by himself eventually if he really misses out. I do not think many will, and eventually with this system, all guilds will grow larger, so it is a temporary problem.

  5. #25
    Battle Hardened Contributor sparkz's Avatar
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    I wouldnt expect this to be helpful because its a lousy solution, but are you trying different browsers ?

    As surprised as I am, since I have the worst opinion on the quality of this game in general, I have been using Edge since the release of Starfall, which is separate from Chrome I normally use, and I had literaly zero problems since, which, much to my surprise, is better than it was before when I last played around 2017.

    Theres alot of technical things like session storage that can potentially make those issues limited to specific browsers/ browser engines. Not to say they're backend issues for BB to solve, obviously.

  6. #26
    Master of Strategy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylancer View Post
    Well, you should get them. If you have guild of 100 members, and you all finish the Guild Quest, you get 284gc daily. You need only 1479 days to acquire that amount. That is only 4 years.
    Or simpler. You need to do Guild Quest with 99 other members of the guild twice in order to buy a buff that lasts 1 hour as friend buff.
    I know that many guilds looks like they have 100 members, some might have. I really doubt that they have 100 members that are online every day - maybe 10 years ago ,- but not now. From the activity in global and trade - my guess no.
    My own guild have 22 members, and less than half are active - a few active only during event.
    Cant say that it has been very high on my list to do the guild quest, as I really have not have anything useful to do with them, besides donating some to a new guildie now and then.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  7. #27
    Glorious Graduate
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    sparkz, even MS went with chromium core, so only some cosmetics are different, but browser cores are all from google those days. they need to watch for changes, test the impact of updates on game, and as they didnt go to HTML5, which is native support for browser games, but for Unity, they depend on them(BB on Unity) to upkeep their side (bet not many customers there and Unity focus is on other parts of it.). And bet Unity doesnt invest a lot in that part BB uses, which is obsolete.

    EDIT: Urd on Sandy, only one did kinda prepared and lurked all newbies, rest of 100 is like up to 30 active, some of them only 10 dailies, guilds keep dead folks around in case someone switches and they are scared to go under 10, or hope for some that left coz of BB performance to come back. lol.
    Last edited by First_Lord; 03.12.24 at 18:39.

  8. #28
    Battle Hardened Contributor sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by First_Lord View Post
    even MS went with chromium core, so only some cosmetics are different, but browser cores are all from google those days
    got it, my experience with those is from somewhere around 2012, so you seem to know more than me.

  9. #29
    Ruler of the Land
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    A little tweak for BB to consider. How about taking the total guild score for the event and dividing that score by the number in each guild so that the winning guild is the one with the best performance per player rather than the bigger guilds dominating the event simply as more players means more adventures get done. My way a medium size guild with active players still has a chance to win. No vested interest as I am in one of the guilds racing each other for 1st spot, I just think the smaller guilds need a chance too.

  10. #30
    Master of Strategy
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    A little tweak for BB to consider. How about taking the total guild score for the event and dividing that score by the number in each guild so that the winning guild is the one with the best performance per player rather than the bigger guilds dominating the event simply as more players means more adventures get done. My way a medium size guild with active players still has a chance to win. No vested interest as I am in one of the guilds racing each other for 1st spot, I just think the smaller guilds need a chance too.
    That is a nice idea. All in all I would have liked to know more about how the whole score works here.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

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