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Thread: [Feedback] [Dev Diary] Guild Fest

  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    [Feedback] [Dev Diary] Guild Fest

    Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments on the [Dev Diary] Guild Fest.

    The original post can be found here.

    Happy commenting!

  2. #2
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Please fix the game before bringing in new events. It can take hours to get into the game, only to have "general error" and have to try all over again. It's just frustrating to try to do an event when the game is so unstable.

  3. #3
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Darkest Dorset
    +1, just look at what happened to Sandycove over Halloween, an event that has been running for 13 years. If your server problems wouldn't let us complete that, why put us through more torture?
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  4. #4
    Glorious Graduate
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    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Schipperke View Post
    Please fix the game before bringing in new events. It can take hours to get into the game, only to have "general error" and have to try all over again. It's just frustrating to try to do an event when the game is so unstable.
    Game isn't working for me.

    One of the things I like from TSO is the little or almost none peer presure. I don't like this competiton idea
    I'm using Windows 11 & Firefox (64 bit) updated.
    I clear cache when I have problems with the game

  5. #5
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
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    Aug 2016
    Hello folks just a quick update:

    We've discovered an issue whereas the buildings on the Event Island are incorrectly using up Building Permits. However, I can confirm that these permits will be restored when the event ends; you will automatically receive them back.

    Nevertheless, this bug will be resolved in a future update.

  6. #6
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Aug 2012
    What is the point of adding new stuff if game doesn't work properly? It is like painting a car that is falling apart.

    Event only works in Unity, and it is way to buggy to play. Tried today. Game crashed after fey minutes, and could not login again for some time. When I managed to start the game, the pined quest text was all messed up. Still is. Only first task is displayed, and in place of others first task repeats. There are many more bugs, but without starting the game, can't tell which ones are still not fixed.

    Tried to login again, maintenance. Halloween Déjà vu. Lost a lot of time frustrating over the game only to lost countless pumpkins at the end. I might try few times, but now I know there is no point. It seems that this event is about how many players can play in which guild.

    And since BB is occupied with another non working content, we can expect to skip Christmas event too because there will be no time to fix the game.

  7. #7
    Community Manager
    Nifty BB_Kumakun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylancer View Post
    What is the point of adding new stuff if game doesn't work properly? It is like painting a car that is falling apart.

    Event only works in Unity, and it is way to buggy to play. Tried today. Game crashed after fey minutes, and could not login again for some time. When I managed to start the game, the pined quest text was all messed up. Still is. Only first task is displayed, and in place of others first task repeats. There are many more bugs, but without starting the game, can't tell which ones are still not fixed.

    Tried to login again, maintenance. Halloween Déjà vu. Lost a lot of time frustrating over the game only to lost countless pumpkins at the end. I might try few times, but now I know there is no point. It seems that this event is about how many players can play in which guild.

    And since BB is occupied with another non working content, we can expect to skip Christmas event too because there will be no time to fix the game.
    Could you send us Screenshots of the issues you reported here for the guildfest?

    Precicely from the following things you mentioned:
    • the pined quest text was all messed up
    • Only first task is displayed, and in place of others first task repeats.
    • Many more bugs

  8. #8
    Master of Strategy
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    Nov 2014
    I think this event is a nice idea. It would have been great to have 10 years ago - and maybe repeated every 6 month or so. Problem now that for many guilds this came far too late.
    Most guilds are more or less dead. Some come to live a little during events, but as this came unexpected- people are not back to do it.

    For this to work again, we need to reorganize players in active guilds. That is really hard when there are so few active players left.
    We have not been able to use the guild list for a long time. I stopped even looking at it, as for ages you could only see first page.

    Guilds stop updating forum page ages ago, so the info there is outdated. How to find a guild that is active and fits what you wants from the game, is near impossible.

    Only way I think guilds are recruiting these day, is against the rules. Whenever a newbie says anything in chat - they get invites. That may be fine, or that may be bad, as there is no way they can know if it is the right guild for them.
    I do not have any great ideas how to fix this - maybe it is all to late and the game is simply dead.
    I do not see any BB staff being interested in what players want or need, or what goes on, on the non German servers, or even giving a dam what people writing on this forum. - so not even sure why I bother type this.
    Greetings Urd.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  9. #9
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Kumakun View Post
    Could you send us Screenshots of the issues you reported here for the guildfest?

    Precicely from the following things you mentioned:
    • the pined quest text was all messed up
    • Only first task is displayed, and in place of others first task repeats.
    • Many more bugs
    I could if there is some sane way to post images here. But let me try.

    Edit: another one. I cannot confirm completion, button is greyed out.
    Last edited by Cylancer; 01.12.24 at 19:49.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Let me see: we donate 240 000 resources per 24 hours per building, which is 960 000 resources per 24 hours for 10 days, that equals 9.6M resources except I forgot the buffs. So this event is a huge resource sink, bigger than the weekly missions and all we get is probably the explorer? You have got to be kidding. The idea is good but rewards are not worth it. But of course I have to do it for my guild mates. Well played.

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