Much as we Settlers love events, why cant BB refrain from starting them on short or no notice? That is disruptive and highly annoying. I wish they would finally start listening to the decade of user complaints about it.
Much as we Settlers love events, why cant BB refrain from starting them on short or no notice? That is disruptive and highly annoying. I wish they would finally start listening to the decade of user complaints about it.
Main events have a set date within a 2 week window each year. These mini events are a welcome change to the large gaps between main events & sometimes a mini shop has some rather cheap items on offer like those extremely expensive ali adv's.
No clue where you have been the past few years but between almost all big events, there are mini events. They are easy to not participate in, the only reward is some shop items and extra xp and loot- Nothing more
This is hardly the first of these events so dunno why it suddenly bugs you or you feel a need to prepare for them
and there is a dead give away for a mini event to be popped: The friday after post event maintenance -
In guild we try to guess which mini event they will trigger - thank god it hasnt been end of the world yet :P
Attacking the person instead discussing the issue, bragging about your own perceived smartness, not differentiating between the occasion and the issue - your communication seems like a good way to not make friends in life or the game. Certainly you are a person, I won't care to communicate with.
Anyone who played the game for "the past few years" has seen many instances of BB starting big events on very short notice. The forum is full of complaints about that.
Totaly agree to that well said about Mr Negative.
i still dont get your complaint.
All mini events are a small bonus or nuisance at best
all big events are telegraphed to the max to the point that 2 or 3 weeks before a start there is massive speculation about which week it will start (and around 75% or more have the right date guessed)
There was ONE real surprise and that was guild fest (and be warned, it will show up in between main events at least once but possibly more often this year as per BB's own info that they want to run it a few times a year
I know plenty of games with no warning on events- they pop up - Here we know they come and we ostly know when and we have at least 1 weekend notice, sometimes more
I guess you want a yearly calendar - but i am afraid that will not happen, BB doesn't like to be pinned down and be crucified when they miss a hard date
How about rereading "Certainly you are a person, I won't care to communicate with"?
BB is announcing most major events on very short notice as you indirectly acknowledged. Speculation is no substitute for that, nor is whataboutism a substitute for arguments. Ignore my opinion if you are happy with the status quo - there is no point in arguing about facts nor in trying to change other peoples opinions with insults. Just my 2c, so no need to publicly disagree, we all know that you will.
PS: I don't want a flame war, so if you care about one, go ahead, this will be an empty echo chamber for your ego henceforth.
Last edited by Wuselwirbel; 26.01.25 at 22:10.
I liked this one, especially as it did not require any special attention or increased activity. Extra XP: OK. Marketplace for Arabians for map pieces: Great.
If I suddenly have to do tons of extra "work" to not let my guild down or for unique rewards (Mummy Geologist, I want you) I am with you, Wusel.
Todays maintenance is in all likelyhood the one needed to push the valentine event to live servers- So expect this to come to a server near you very soon ..............
Announcement came today (Feb 7 for a Feb 10 event). Case in point.
Some explorers need 7 days to return, some buildings that long to upgrade. Annoncing such events seven day before their start would only be smart and fair. But BB seems busy pushing new features instead of correcting old bugs or delivering on the ones that users really care about (like making it easier to send out a ton of explorers or generals).