this is very annoying
after i cancel and start new expeditions again i got map boos on same positions
losing my strength points because i must cancel two expeditions i lost 4 points.
this happens only on tier 2 expeditions
this is very annoying
after i cancel and start new expeditions again i got map boos on same positions
losing my strength points because i must cancel two expeditions i lost 4 points.
this happens only on tier 2 expeditions
BB don't understand their own game
I had that few times before. For me it is not connected with the tiers, as i got it on tier 1.
But hey at least you have a boss
Last edited by Bfreak; 07.07.15 at 12:31.
on tier 2 this is very annoying. on tier 1 only 1 time i was not able to attack, but on tier 2 on every second map i can't attack
BB don't understand their own game
this is not that big problem as for boss camp, but still is a problem
tier 1, huge map
BB don't understand their own game
It's only when is boss on that space. boss can be on different space on same map, but when is he on that you can't attack him. also when is camp on that space you can't attack
one more
BB don't understand their own game
Had same issue, but only on regular camps so far.
A day later i found exactly the same bossless colony. So it really looks like that there are specific bugged colonies....
There can be similar map with no problem maybe, but the enemy camps will be on different places.
Last edited by Bfreak; 08.07.15 at 14:10.
3 camp on same map
BB don't understand their own game
I have occasionally come across an unattackable camp on PVP. I've seen others mention this, but at this stage I think it deserves its own thread.
I have never had it happen with a player camp, and it doesn't happen on every map.
I can put my mouse over and select the camp and see what troops are in it. But when I go to attack it with a marshall, I cannot select the camp.
So far in my gameplay, I've still been able to defeat these camps as they will still intercept an attack.
Today was the first time I've had it happen with a leader camp. Thankfully it wasn't the map boss.
Here's a screenshot even though it looks like every other leader camp. I was able to clear the whole map except for this one last camp. Large tier 3 titanium colony.
Please add your own screenshots as you experience this annoying bug. Let's record how many times this happens.
Deathcap - The Flesh-Eating Mushroom from the Create-An-Enemy Contest 2013