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Thread: can we have client back please

  1. #101
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Perth, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyGreen View Post
    +1 to what's already been said. This is just awful. Even if I can eventually get the game to load everything is minuscule. It makes my eyes ache trying to look at any icons or read any text.

    As has already been said, the game is unplayable and almost impossible to load at times. There's no point in trying. I may try logging back in at around Christmas time to see if anything has changed but I'm not holding out any hope.

    If BB are deliberately trying to kill off the game they've just about succeeded.
    JimmyGreen, if you open up the cogwheel under your avatar and click on the options at the very bottom you can turn off the auto thing (its a square) and adjust to your desired size.
    And if I may, BB this is an absolute disgrace. I did not use the test as I could not get in for some reason, but it appears that the information from all those that did is that you still went ahead and went live regardless of the fact that things were not fixed. I am not a computer geek or genius and this has been the only online game I have ever played and until this muck up have enjoyed all of it, even when there were bugs when events started. However, after missing only around 2 weeks in the last 7+ years, I am finding myself not in the least bit interested in logging in. You provided a game for us to play and some of us have used real money, but there is no way I will spend another cent of my hard earned money on this until it runs again, if ever. I won't hold my breath.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Game is broken... BlueByte finally killed it... Not gonna use any more of my time on it...

  3. #103
    Nifty sandieg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Well I too haven't logged in for two days,I've logged in every day since joining except when in Hospital and a death in the Family.
    Might take a look and see if any better, I have to use options and size up to 125 to enable seeing text and such, it has to be done each time.
    I have a good computer, I did the test, the only thing working ok was the Excelsior, but of course more is needed in the game for it to be enjoyed.
    Unity cannot be coded to use your Computers Graphics Hardware, if it was it would I have thought loaded fast.
    But as it is we have just been given the test version, which of course is slow in every area, I sent my explorers out with the sea as background to stop buildings I didn't want popping up,It took a very long time, I have a lot of Explorers, I cannot go through all problems, there are far too many, I was really shocked that this unity version was made live, bye for now all and I'm hoping all things will be resolved soon, I really miss the game.

  4. #104
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    yea - lets see when in august their first new deployment is - august is a looooong month and no indication if it will be at the beginning, middle or end- If it is at the end i would say don;t bother as by then too many will have flown the coop and wont return anymore

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Qualan View Post
    yea - lets see when in august their first new deployment is - august is a looooong month and no indication if it will be at the beginning, middle or end- If it is at the end i would say don;t bother as by then too many will have flown the coop and wont return anymore

  6. #106
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I would have thought that the people responsible for the game. Would have apologised for the state of the game. They must do something quick to sort this mess out. and give us game players some information about what is happening. At this rate the player base will disappear, as players are leaving in droves. All I can do is log on, then leave. As the game is completely unplayable.

  7. #107
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    today i sent out my 5 scary explorers, took 30 mins :P

    needless to say i dont bother with the others nor with geo's

  8. #108
    Nifty sandieg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    I logged in again today, the weekly had completed this time and a couple of quests for crystals, the Geo:s I sent out 7, all of them didn't find what was needed. I sent Geo:s out again this time they found what they were sent out to find. A Manuscript had completed, the sign showing completed seems to be there all the time above the bookbinder, but could be just the bad lag, I'm always making books so the icon above the building always seems to be there. I didn't send out Explorers it just takes too long. Bye for now all. Looking forward to Happy gaming again.

  9. #109
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    at least we had a happy hour - not that it was helpfull in any way - nor was it happy come to think of it

  10. #110
    Original Serf Cassady's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    North Devon
    Never thought I would see the day when settlers would be more unresponsive than the wife.

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