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Thread: [FRE] Friends Re-United is recruiting. We have a couple of free spaces.

  1. #11
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Due to the retirement from the game for real life reasons we have some room to take new members.

    We can take a small group of people if say 10 friends want to join us.

    Please contact amazola or hurricane60

  2. #12
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Unfortunately we have some members who have not played since the Client/Unity was implemented and I now doubt they will be coming back.

    As disappointing as this is we will now start to remove them from the Guild so we will have spaces for new members who want to join.

    We will probably have 99 members in the Guild list but if 2 or more friends wish to join we can make space for them if they contact one of the leaders:

    hurricane60, amazola, Taffy or Skelgaard, thank you.

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