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Thread: Flash warnings and how to fix them

  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Flash warnings and how to fix them

    Dear Settlers,

    As of July 24th, 2017 we've received reports of login difficulties and other inconveniences. The following explanations should address these issues and give you a proper workaround.

    • Browser notification "Your Flash version is not up to date - please load the latest version";
    • (Flash) Blocked browser with a notification regarding blocked Akamai content;
    • Steam/Slim: white screen when loading the forum;
    • Notification pop-up of an error/update/block.

    Note: This post aims to provide a brief overview offering insights into the error, workarounds and causes, and can be considered as a starting point for further investigations.
    If you would like to contribute with additional helping steps, please let us know by sending a private message.

    1. Clear your cookies and Cache! Without this, your game will load old data connections which do not work anymore.
    2. If you have bookmarked the page, delete it and save the new address (see http > https forum post)
    3. If you get a notification that you have no Flash version installed, simply click on ok - a popup will appear and you should accept the change (unblock content).

    • Open the following page: chrome://settings/content/flash;
    • "Allow Flash on your websites" must be activated!

    • Additionally, click on Add a page;
    • In the new window, add the new address for The Settlers Online;

    • Click on Add.

    Internet Explorer/Edge
    • Here you should get a popup notification that your Flash version is not up to date;

    • In this popup, click on the red line Install Flash-Player;
    • A pop-up will appear;

    • In the pop-up window, click on Always allow to use Adobe on this webpage;
    • You should then save the changes and be able to login again.

    • You should see a small red icon to the left of the 'The Settlers Online' address;
    • Click on this red button and a notification will appear explaining that "Adobe Flash was blocked";
    • You will now see 2 options, click on Allow;

      If the red button is missing, you can click on the grey lock and change the settings/blocking there!

    Deactivate Script blockers!

    It is already known that script blockers can block our game content - as of now, scriptblocker will also block our CDN Akamai.
    You need to allow this connection and unblock Akamai in order to be able to play the game.
    Ideally, you should completely deactivate any script blockers (ghostscript/Adblocker, etc.), as they could block the game connections and intervene with your gaming experience.

    We have no workaround for steam yet, so the direct connection to the forum will show a white screen. However, you can avoid this issue by clicking on forum in one of our website announcements.
    Last edited by BB_Saqui; 28.07.17 at 10:40.

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