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Thread: [Guide] Killste : Collected Adventure Guides by Various Authors

  1. #1
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    [Guide] Killste : Collected Adventure Guides by Various Authors

    The responsibility for correct values ​​and information lies solely with the tactics map creators and not how started this thread if he is not involved. Any errors please send to correct map creator. Same goes as credit.

    Quote from Tage
    Throughout all my guides the following colour codes are used to distinguish between different types of generals and setups:
    • NORMAL general: Must be a normal (slow) general, the one you buy in the tavern
    • ANY general: Can be any general, no soldiers needed
    • ANY general: Can be any general
    • ANY general with Crossbows
    • ANY general with Cannoneers
    • BATTLE HARDENED general: Must be a fast general, bought for gems in the shop
    • BATTLE HARDENED general with Crossbows
    • BATTLE HARDENED general with Cannoneers
    • VETERAN general: Must be a veteran general, bought for gems in the shop, capable of holding 250 units
    • VETERAN general with Crossbows
    • VETERAN general with Cannoneers

    Throughout all my guides the following letters are used to denote different units:
    • R = Recruit
    • M = Militia
    • S = Soldier
    • E = Elite Soldier
    • C = Cavalry
    • B = Bowman
    • LB = Longbowman
    • XB = Crossbowman
    • K = Cannoneer

    1 Player Adventures:

    Bounty Hunter (Tutorial Adventure) [1 Player/3 Days/202XP]

    Traitors [1 Player/3 Days/8710XP]

    Witch Of The Swamp [1 Player/2 Days/5663XP]

    The Island of the Pirates [1 Player/2 Days/2752XP] (Veteran)

    The Island of the Pirates [1 Player/2 Days/2752XP]

    Horseback [1 Player/2 Days/7230XP]

    Outlaws [1 Player/4 Days/14020XP]

    Old Friends [1 Player/2 Days/6810XP]

    Bandit Nest [1 Player/2 Days/9980XP]

    Return to the bandit's nest

    Return to the bandit's nest, Major Version

    Wild Mary [1 Player/2,5 Days/19290XP]

    Wild Mary ( TheVictim)

    The Lost Skull [1 Player/2 Days/3320 XP]

    Tropical Sun [1 Player/2 Days/3320 XP]

    The Sleeping Volcano [1 Player/12 Hours/4960 XP]

    Invasion of the Nords [1 Player/8 Days/49530XP]

    EXiNX Guide

    Invasion of the Nords with Saraptheold

    Invasion of the Nords with Loucaux

    Sleepy Reef

    2 Player Adventures:

    The Dark Priest [2 Player/2 Days/5975XP]

    Dark Priest, Quick version, not full XP, losing fewer than 300R

    Stealing From the Rich [2 Player/4 Days/11870XP]

    Sons of the Veld [2 Player/8 Days/33440XP]

    The Nords PrincessAlly with Veteran
    XiozZe The Nords with normal general [2 Player/8 Days/27530XP]

    Surprise Attack with Veteran [2 Player/4 Days/41820XP]

    Motherly Love [2 Player/2 Days/3030XP]

    3 Player Adventures:

    Gunpowder [3 Player/4 Days/37785XP]

    Victor The Vicious [3 Player/8 Days/27482XP]

    Roaring Bull [3 Player/5 Days/37580XP]

    Roaring Bull XP (Harrytipper) [3 Player/5 Days/37580XP]

    Roaring Bull Short Version (Alternate) (Harrytipper) [3 Player/5 Days/21000XP]

    The Black Knights [3 Player/8 Days/28175XP]

    MAJ/VET Cannon Black Knights Loot Run (SHORT VERSION)

    The Dark Brotherhood [3 Player/8 Days/51978XP]
    Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

    Secluded Experiments [3 Player/10 Days/39935XP] Secluded Experiments with Polymer`s minds

    More Secluded Experiments (short)



    The Valiant Little Tailor by Fhearghus
    The Valiant Little Tailor by Polymer

    The Sons of The Little Tailor by Fhearghus
    The Sons of The Little Tailor by Polymer

    The Heroic Little Tailor by Polymer

    The Clever Little Tailor by Polymer

    The Betrayed Little Tailor by Polymer

    Guides that are created before the changes to Fairytale adventure units
    (Guidemakers, please contact Fexno by Private Message if you want the links updated (and forgive me if I made a mistake in hiding those below)

    Ali Baba Epic Raids

    Ali Baba, The Young Wood Cutter

    Ali Baba And The First Thief


    Tomb Raiders by PrincessAlly

  2. #2
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    The Dark Priest

    Adventure Infos:
    Player Level: 26+
    Difficulty: 3/10
    Number of Players: 2
    Duration: 2 days
    Where to get?: Adventure seek with explorer or ?

    Tactical map

    Units that are needed for the solo method (R/C/S/LB-Version) : 377 200 8 1 175

    Max loses : 330 19 8

    Map has Solo and co-operation method (R/C/S/LB-Version) and (R/C/S/A-Version)

    You can send General to position G1 and G2 anytime you want. Just select general and select transfer and move to wanted postion.
    You can put General to G3 when you destroy bone church.

    In worst case scenario in camp 7 after you send 134 Recruits suicidal wave there is litle, unlikely chance, that some of Dark Priest troops survives. If that happens send 30 Recruit and 170 Lonbowman.

    Pirates blocking method 1. Tested, works fine.

    General A to block camp 1, (blue circle)
    After the general A reaches the red circle, send general B to camp block 1.

    (A general must be normal general)

    Tages Veteran garrison setups
    Last edited by Killste; 14.09.12 at 12:47. Reason: orthography

  3. #3
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    The Island of the Pirates

    Adventure Infos:
    Player Level: 26+
    Difficulty: 3 / 10
    Number of Players: 1
    Duration: 2 days
    Where to get?: Adventure seek with explorer or ?

    Chance to get a bonus adventure in the reward: Motherlove

    Tactical map

    Units need(R/C/S/LB)-Version): 610R 190C 38LB 206S

    Units max lost without block: 604R

    Units max lost with block: 467R

    Tactical map with veteran

    Units need(R/C/S/LB)-Version): 508R 249C 95LB 233S

    Units max lost: 562R

    Units max lost with block: 421R

    Tip. Attack from general position A, so your general will attack as order, first camp 3, then trap 4 and final camp 5. If you attack from general position C, your general will intercepted first trap 4, then attack camp 3.
    Last edited by Killste; 14.09.12 at 12:46. Reason: map updated

  4. #4
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I have the adventure Traitors at hand. But I have no production of Steel swords, so I would prefer to spend recruits or militias instead. SidV's guide says I need 117S.

    I will need that for probably Sir Robin, but cannot use the combat simulator for him.
    My question is: Is there a way to complete that adventure with no (or fewer) steel swords?

  5. #5
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Fejer View Post
    I have the adventure Traitors at hand. But I have no production of Steel swords, so I would prefer to spend recruits or militias instead. SidV's guide says I need 117S.

    I will need that for probably Sir Robin, but cannot use the combat simulator for him.
    My question is: Is there a way to complete that adventure with no (or fewer) steel swords?
    Yes, you can use only recruits. The soldiers are there only to reduce the death toll among recruits a little.
    The third wave on camp 11 should only have Sir Robin and Big Bertha left to kill.

    If you use 200R for the third wave on camp 11, you will lose between 42 and 93 recruits (77 on an average).

    In comparison, if you use 82R and 118S, you will lose between 30 and 82 recruits (54 on an average).

  6. #6
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    Please ask "stupid questions" (post in this thread), than doing something you are not sure, and blame me afterwards, because you misunderstood some of those infos and you loose more units that you supposed. This site is new and I need "stupid questions" and feedbacks, so I can improve this and next time we both can happily use those infos to play these adventures. I also check my garrison settings here and use those infos when I play adventures!
    Comments like, Boo your thread suck or something similar like that, I will delete them. Comments like, Hey your blocking method in Stealing from the Rich is not working, can you fix that <- So I know what sucks, so I can fix it.

    Question :Why Co-operation method?

    Answer : If you want Play 2 or 3 player adventures and you are in low on population or you have friend/s that want play with you those Adventures, Co-operation is good method. You can divide two or three, your troops that you need in that adventure, and you need only few special troops to take with you. You can take 200 Cavalry and your friend can take 200 Soldiers. Because you have 200 Cavalry, your friend don't need 200 cavalry, because you are attacking those camps, that need cavalry. And other way around. You don't need attack camps, where you need 200 Soldiers, because you have friend, that attacks those camps. You already saved 200 population with this method. Later when your population grows you can change methods.

    Question : What if I don't have enough Soldiers, and it says I need 117S. Can I complete these adventure with no (or fewer) steel swords?
    Answer : That's possibility Check Combat simulator to see, what units you need. Those soldiers are also to reduce the death total among recruits, since I try to keep losses small as possible.

    Question : How I can transfer general to landing zone 1 to landing zone 2 or G1 positions, or G2 position.

    Answer : Watch pictures. If your general is not needing attack from landing zone, you can travel to G1 positions. When general is transferring, he will not attack enemy camps and is not going to intercepted. After you successfully attacked from G1 position you can transfer general to next G2 position.

    Question : If I sent a blocking general with 100 soldiers will this keep the red square off longer then If I sent a blocking general with 42 soldiers?

    Answer : No. If you have more soldiers, your soldiers make more damage, and fights faster and that mean they have less rounds. Those units that you need are corrected, don't change them. And here is what I calculate what happens with 42 soldiers and 100 soldiers.

    I will use The Island of The Pirates First Blocking method as example.

    With 100 soldiers it takes about 2 Rounds
    Your attacking general needs about 1-2 rounds to reach camp before it can start fighting in that camp. If you lucky, your general reach camp when block general fights first round, but you need still 1 more round to block general, because your attacking general needs 2 rounds to finish that camp, you are 1 or 2 rounds short.

    With 53 soldiers it takes about 6 Rounds
    If you have bad luck, your general reach camp, when 4 rounds is left with blocking general.
    Your attacking general have 2 rounds and your block general have 4 rounds left.
    You are technically safe with 2 more rounds.

    Question : What are those 2 different blocking methods and can I replace blocking method 1 to blocking method 2 or blocking method 2 to 1?

    Answer : First blocking method is sending general with 1 recruits, to give enough time, that your attacking general reach bandit camp, and start fighting, before your another general loose battle, and that bandit camp has red influence area back. You loose 1 recruits with this blocking method and your general goes unconscious.

    Second blocking method is send troops, that start fighting in that camp and your another general reach destination (leader camp) and start fighting and fight faster and destroy that camp, before blocking general loose or wins battle. When leader camp is defeated, bandit camp is automatically removed, and your block general is not going loose any troops. Technically, block general fights never finished so is same that it never started. You don't loose any blocks units with this blocking method and general is not going to unconscious

    If you find a way to replace blocking method 1, to blocking method 2, with good combinations, that works everytime, please send it to here. That blocking method must work 100% every time you try that, so it's not 50% gamble that your blocks going to succeed or fail.

    Unfortunately to change block method 2 to 1, is not some times possible. I tried pirates with 1 recruit block and I was 1 round too short, so my general got intercepted, (after block general lost his battle) and turned against that block camp.

  7. #7
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Block explanation

    Allways use your block general, as normal general.

    If you dont use block methods, there is box that tells you what troops you need to defeat that camp.
    Order atack is still same, Top to bottom.

    Battle Hardened General

    I want point out there is small lack in Battle Hardened General description.

    Battle Hardened General also can fight twice as fast as normal general.

    Normal general fights 5 rounds. 1 rounds takes 3 second. 5 rounds x 3 second = Battle takes 15 seconds.
    Battle Hardened General fights 5 rounds. 1 rounds takes 1.5 second. 5 rounds x 1.5 second = Battle takes 7.5 seconds.

    Same information lack also in Veteran General description

    I have suggest this to here


    As you can see our destination is leader camp number 2, destroying this camp, camp 1, will disappear. We cant atack camp 2, because we got intercepted camp 1 (see the red zone) and we must fight or block it, to reach leader camp.

    Normal camp and traps have red zone
    Leader camp have not red zone.

    We take A general and send it with 1R, and atack bandit camp number 1.
    When A general is fighting, red zone will disappear, and you can send B general to Leader camp, number 2.
    Block gives 3-5 second to time, before general will loose battle. Normal general gives more time, than Battle hardned general.
    You can send 2 or more general to camp 2, and if they reach destination, before red zone appear :
    1. First general, who arrive start fighting in camp.
    2. Second and third general is waiting in camp, and will not intercepted, when red zone appear.
    3. Second and third general wait until First general is finished battle. 1. If first general wins, all generals return in own camps. 2. If first general loose, second general that arrive in camp, start fighting next. Third general fight if second loose, or return with second general.

    If general wins and there is still bandit camp with redzone, general is not intercept, because general is allready reached destination and is returning.

    As you can see, our block is going to fail, because general B cant reach Leader camp, number 2, in 3-5 second. General A will loose battle. Camp 1 got red zone back, General B got intercepted and atack camp 1.

    You can practice First Block method in The Dark Priest.

    Atack general A to block camp 1, (blue circle)
    Send general B to camp when blocked 1 (lilac circle), when general A reach inside red circle.
    Assing both your general 1 Recruit and send them like in picture. You loose battles and you need recover 4 hours and loose 2 recruits.
    (A general must bee normal general)
    (B general can bee normal, battle hardened or veteran general)
    Your block is succesfull, when your both generals reach difference camp and fight in short time, same time.

    Your both generals fight in difference camps.
    When you have practiced this enough, you can atack next time seriously.

    General A lost his battle, and is retreating. Camp 1 is still left.
    General B is still fighinting in camp 2 and is winning battle, camp 1 is removed, when B general wins battle.
    (failed to take screenshot and "fixed with paint". I add correct picture when I have a chance.


    We atack General A to Camp 1. When general A is fighting, we send General B to Camp 2. B general start fighting and fight faster and destroy camp 2, before blocking general A loose or wins battle. When leader camp is defeated, bandit camp is automatically removed, and your block general A is not going loose any troops. Technically, block general A fights never finished so is same that it never started.

    Some of those blocking method can do with both normal general, but there is high risk to fail block.
    For example, pirates blocking method 3.
    Player A used normal generals and was succesfull with blocking.
    Player B used normal generals, and used same timing with A, but fails block

    Some of those atack(s) general can be normal general, but you have chance fail block, in worst case scenario.
    For example: The Island of the Pirates blocking method 3, (last block)

    Player A used normal generals and was succesfull with blocking.
    Player B used normal generals, and used same timing with A, but fails block

    If you didnt understand text, please watch pictures:

    Block general is fighting while another general is travelling to a bandit leader camp.

    Both generals are fighting in different camps

    Both generals are fighting, but general that atacks leader camp is faster and start destroying leader camp.

    General destroyed leader camp, before block general looses battle or wins battle.
    After leader camp was destroyed, both generals return back to garrisons. You see in middle that normal general battle still continue but hi does not loose any troops.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Thx just finished the Dark Priest with your Help.

  9. #9
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Hiya Killste!
    I know you're about to add Horseback to your guide, and as promised, here's the garrison settings I used today when playing it.

    For the map, let me refer to SidV's and his camp numbering.
    So far it's certainly used more here than any of those more detailed maps in SiedlerVision.

    Quote Originally Posted by SidV View Post
    Tactical map & garrison seetings (blocking R/B/LB-Version)
    (use for blocking ONLY normal generals. With battle hardened generals the blocks wouldn't work.)
    Units need: 430R 94B 155S 160LB
    Units lost max: 422R 91B

    You need at least 2 generals, preferably 3 or 4 generals.
    You need to send troops at least 4 times.

    Units needed, average: 388R 91B 158S 163LB (800 units in total)
    Units needed, maximum: 412R 91B 158S 163LB (824 units in total)

    Units lost, minimum: 333R 90B
    Units lost, average: 378R 90B
    Units lost, maximum: 412R 91B

    Game flow (based on 3 generals), garrison settings and losses (minimum - average - maximum):

    General 1 arrives to the island with 46R 154S.
    General 2 arrives to the island with 40R 4S 91B 65LB.
    General 2 is unloaded and left with 1R.
    General 3 arrives to the island with 200R.
    General 3 is unloaded and sent back home to bring more units.

    Move General 1 to G1.
    Attack from garrison position G1:

    Camp 16) 40 Lance Riders, 70 Nomads [46R 154S (39R - 44R - 46R)]
    Camp 17) 70 Nomads, 20 Cataphracts [47R 153S (43R - 46R - 47R)]
    Camp 11) 60 Nomads, 40 Lance Riders, 60 Composite Bowmen [42R 158S (35R - 40R - 42R)]

    Please note! There is no need to move your general to G2 as in SidV's map. Camp 11 can be attacked directly from G1.

    Move General 2 to G3.
    Block from garrison position G3, attack from garrison position G1:

    Camp 14) 70 Nomads, 40 Riding Amazonian Guards [1R (1R)]
    Camp 15) 90 Riding Amazonian Guards, 10 Uproarious Bulls [43R 91B 1S 65LB (40R 90B - 40R 90B - 43R 91B)]

    General 2 is recovering.

    Move General 1 to G4.
    Attack from garrison position G4:

    Camp 4) 80 Lance Riders, 120 Composite Bowmen [81R 119S (60R - 71R - 81R)]

    General 3 arrives with 102R 98LB.
    Attack from garrison position G4:

    Camp 3) 90 Nomads, 90 Composite Bowmen [36R 1S 163LB (29R - 33R - 36R)]

    Move General 3 to G5.
    Move General 1 to G6.
    Block from garrison position G5, attack from garrison position G6:

    Camp 20) 30 Riding Amazonian Guards, 40 Riding Bowmen [1R (1R)]
    Camp 19) 60 Nomads, 75 Riding Bowmen [115R 85S (85R - 102R - 115R)]

    Adventure completed and generals move home (no more recovering).

    All garrison setups where recruits and soldiers are included have a very small chance of one soldier being killed.
    I prefer having it so tight, that in most cases that one soldier survives and actually saves one recruit by taking the last hits in the battle.
    That being said, be prepared to lose the odd soldier(s) after playing the same adventure hundreds of times...
    Last edited by Tage; 29.03.12 at 23:32.

  10. #10
    Forum Explorer Killste's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Thanks Tage. Keep up your great work. I try to test horseback myself with your method. I try to upload tactical map soon as possible. I add also in map minimun, average and maximun losses.

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