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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Valentine Event 2021

  1. #21
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    You dont have to compare valentines to christmas... and also thats kinda false, less resources from all sources? if u talking about the event bonus, christmas had no loot bonus while valentines has triple loot... so if you are smart and know what to do valentines is most profitable...
    also, christmas is the event where you can relax, you don't even have to be active doing addys but its enough sending explorers if you been playing for quite a while and valentines has probably one of the best buildings in the game which is love tree .. and last year had endless iron mine and now it got removed which yeah it kinda makes it a dissapointing event but dont compare it to christmas.

  2. #22
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    great event with great rewards.
    no game changer but just spot fillers.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    worse event so far

  4. #24
    it sucked 100%
    lousy event calender full of useless crap

  5. #25
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    London, England
    Sometimes I think some people play settlers just to moan. I do know why others play the game, and we have had a lot of fun helping each other and growing our newer members in guild.

    A good fun event with the normal twists and turns. I didnt want any revolution so close to the big game changes, I wanted stability. I had fun with co-ops and did a few big adventures for the XP, even as a seasoned player it took me a couple of adventures to remember to use cards on farms. To be honest, i liked the shorter event. Christmas felt like a marathon, plus some more, and this was more a 10k, which i preferred. A quest in the second week might have been nice.

    The new general is good, (why not do a similar general to NUS? this is a great opportunity for new / lower level players) and the long romantic explorer is great because i am fed up of the humble explorer being sent out every 6hrs; much better to have single sending long term explorers for me now.

    The new players in our guild have been quick to find ways to do co-ops with the longer term players, and that has been great. We have worked in guild to promote everyones interests, and complete challenges / quests / achievements as best we can. That has been good.

    I would like to see - in the future - some way of retiring the generals that i dont want, and maybe even some explorers . the point is - i want them out of my star. I would pay in brew/bread/sausage to send them on a "pleasure cruise" so that i dont keep seeing them, with an option to recall the cruise when needed (like before an event). Just an idea of mine for the future

    Thanks, please keep working TSO forward

  6. #26
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Good event, good rewards.

  7. #27
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    For those of us with 100'ish explorers this is always a reasonably good event - cannot have been too bad as I even did a few TR and a WW, plus the compulsory trillion BR.

    For lower levels, those with less explorers, those with few generals it has always been a tough event, but as I have always said, at the end of the event you will have more than you started with even with minimal effort.

    Roll on the surprise event and let's hope some lost players get back online post the unity changeover.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Lot of lag. One minute to wait for the adventure to start after accept it from mail...
    And the app is loading slow. Sometimes it resets by itself or gets blocked and it has to be closed and opened again...
    Last edited by Mikutzul; 16.02.21 at 17:57.

  9. #29
    this was gr8 event , i bought everything i wanted! good effort guys!

    lol on haters -

  10. #30
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Great event

    I did like this one,it rewards hard work..being a new account with less than 20 explorers didn't effect the outcome..the XP and triple loot makes it one of the best to grab high end res..2.6mill beans 375k grout-10 mill plate ore,1mill high end refills..plat ore etc etc..and 450 mill XP,whats not to like...Having to buy and upgrade LT and Choco with SP,Obs,Gens and Explo's was a nice challenge...and we still have phase 2.

    thanks BB
    Last edited by Epic_Sandwich; 17.02.21 at 04:52.

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