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Thread: Being banned ;)

  1. #1
    Original Serf Artilux's Avatar
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    Jul 2012

    Unhappy Being banned ;)

    Well the best thing happened to me just now.
    People on the main chat server 1 where hating on LOTR ( IF you Don't know it, google or never mind ).
    I thought, let's go against them, show the passion for these awesome books. And of course the movies.
    So while typing I found myself using a bad word. The F word. I normally cover this up by implanting a lot of weird symbols. Like $#%^&^*.
    Yet I get banned for saying the F****^& word...

    How does the anti Cursing system work in the Chat?
    I've never seen it before, and I'm wondering if Maybe my method was the same
    Bit harsh, 120 minute ban :/ Especially cause this was my last log on for the night I Just wanted a little fun And did not get a warning =\ yet it's my fault i guess :/

    Anyway, Since it's off-topic I did bother to post it...
    Maybe someone will feel so free to answer my question If the same MOD that banned me reads this.

    Sorry mate, Didn't know you would be offended by a Curse Cover up.
    Won't happen again, hope you feel fine

    I'm not hating on the Moderators, They do their job, I'm just wondering what the rules are about a cover up thing, and how it works :/
    Last edited by Artilux; 09.07.12 at 21:23. Reason: small edit.

  2. #2
    Master of Strategy Tierarzt's Avatar
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    Any form of profanity, even self filtered profanity, is bannable without warning. The warning is in the rules... simples.
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  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    aye- although most times u get warned first but that all depends how many people and how pften have been warned by the saem mod in the hours before , so basically how patient the mod is still at the time

    being 120 mins and no warning, i'd say it had been a rough session and you got the short end of the hammer there- but <nonselffiltered> doodoo happens

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I don't even bother going on the chat I am against censorship in any form, I swear on a daily basis can't see the big deal really would love to see a full list of so called 'profanaties' because there are so many ways of writing/saying the dreaded @F@ word..but I ain't this a bothered face ?
    No offence

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2011
    thats why beside filters there are mods and admins.

    Alas, while censorship is in general a bad thing, uncontrolled fredom of speech usually is worse- chats tend to degenerate into places where there is continuous spamming of keys - pointless flooding and lots of profanity

    we have been there and seen that and most were more than happy to see more mods having been appointed to weed the worse of the lot out

    Ofc it is a double edged sword as usual and can lead to some overreactions to the other side or overly sensitive filters etc

  6. #6
    Jolly Advisor
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    Dec 2011
    I swear on a daily basis can't see the big deal
    I was first introduced to a person like this when I was at school, and it has stuck with me all my life . . . when visiting my brother in Canada, he sat down with a business client and the air tingled with the F-word - when asked how I was liking my visit I said it was good, except for all the F-words, both apologised and said oh had never looked at it like that, it just comes naturally, and then carried on but missing out the F-word in their conversation

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is this, there are people on here at an impressionable age who do see censored and self censored words being posted, it does create a long lasting effect and non of use have the right to influence other people's children in this way.

    If you don't like the rules on this site, there are, so I've been told, plenty of unmoderated chat forums where you can swear to your heart's content, so go and swear there, or at yourself in a mirror.

    There are other unpleasent phrases now well used in chat and in daily use which many of the users have no actual idea of the meaning or the conatation from which they are taken . . . shame that they aren't censored as well

  7. #7
    Jolly Advisor Dopey's Avatar
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    I’d debate that with you but sadly the forum rules wouldn’t allow it. Want to spend the time and hassle of coordinating to go somewhere else and talk in an open forum? It’s not going to work if I just go there by myself and reply, need you to see it too. And the people at wherever I go probably wont know what I’m on about if I start talking about the settlers online.
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  8. #8
    Original Serf Artilux's Avatar
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    Thanks for the many Reply's.
    I'm not someone who curses a lot. Well, In real life if stuff goes wrong.. You know what I mean
    But I am someone who self sensors for the sake of others. So they can fill in the blanks.
    Sadly I pulled the short straw. And just went to bed afterwards.. Since I didnt see much going on anymore after the little ban.

    But my view on being a Mod is, being patience. A Little warning would have been enough. Luckily these Ban's don't go for days.
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  9. #9
    Jolly Advisor
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    I've read with some sympathy your post. I'm a self confessed profanity lord - if there's a way of saying it in Anglo Saxon, I know it and I say it. Which often lands me in hot water :-) I don't mean any harm by it at all - it's just the way I speak. Often I too have used various symbols to cover up an Anglo Saxon phrase, but have yet to date to be warned or banned - I hasten to add I have not used such on this game. So your little post has really helped me to understand that not only should I not use symbols in chat but I should also be careful how I use the word bleep - as I have sometimes used it quite jokingly.

    It's a fine line between knowing what is seen as humour and what is seen as "poor" humour.

    I'd like if I may to try and tell a little story. It's al true and I have not embellished it in any way. When my little girl was about three weeks old her Mum sat her in her lap facing outwards and read a childs book to her. Now being the true Yorkshire man that I am I challenged my good lady and recall using some strong expletives. My good lady calmly explained to me that "baby" would watch her fingers on the page and learn to read. My good lady is a librarian and specialises in pre-school books. Our little girl has always shown great mastery of the English language. Her vocabulary is very wide and she has no problems explaining herself to adults and her peers. So I am left some five years down the line eating my words and find myself truly humbled.

    Now one day we were going to a party at a soft play centre. Our little girl was about three at the time. She and I were in the car and Mum jumped in. She banged her knee on the dashboard and uttered an Anglo Saxon Expletive. Which for her was un-real. I realised she had hurt her knee so I thought no more of it. Two hours later we were travelling home in the car when our lovely little daughter asked for some "more" chocolate. Mum said no as she had already had quite enough for one day.

    My daughter tried to calmly negotiate for about a minute with her Mum. And Mum was having none of it. I spoke calmly to my little girl and just said it was time to move the conversation on.

    Her reply was an Anglo Saxon comment - which I am unable to type or even cover over on this board.

    She simply said "Well bleep bleep then". I couldn't believe my ears so I said pardon and she repeated the phrase. Now at that point her Mum told me it was my fault. Until I reminded her about her knee :-) I explained to my daughter that some words are naughty and that if she hears Mummy or Daddy saying naughty words she should let us know and we will apologise.

    What I will say is that the context of when she said what she said and also how she said it were completely bang on. Of course we couldn't laugh to much ... and I think Mum was a little embarassed with herself.

    Sometimes we all fall off our perch - sometimes we are all nothing short of human. I suspect I am probably more human than most :-) lol.

    I hope I've left you with a little smile on your face :-)
    Nuttymut :-)

  10. #10
    Original Serf Artilux's Avatar
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    I sure am Nice Story, and it's true. As a youngster I copied things i heard, bad and good. And simple things can be catchy. Like sticking out your tongue in a playfull matter. A kid of some friends always sticks hit tong out when he see's me.. :P

    I've been trying to use the chat only in a over mature way. Like only kids read it, so that everyone knows what I mean

    And I'll have to watch my mouth coming weeks, Since I'm staying at a friends house who have 2 kids... Would be really bad to drop some words with them around
    I'm the Hunter, The Scout, The Watchmen.
    Together with my Bow I'll conquer the Lands!

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