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Thread: Co-op mission - how to organise?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Co-op mission - how to organise?

    My current weekly challenge quest requires I complete "the buccaneer roundup" - I have the adventure in my star menu, but it says it requires 3 players, does that mean 3 players all have to agree and be available to do the adventure at the same time? What happens if I start it but don't have 2 other players ready to join?

  2. #2
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Co-operative Adventures are Adventures which are designed in a special way to be completed by several players working together. Buccaneer Roundup is no exeption.I would suggest you begin the adventure and when you are confident that you understand the guide you are using then seek out 2 other players and invite them to join.
    I am sure your guildies will join you or if no guild then a simple "2 spots in BR" message posted in trade chat will also find you the other players. Use the chat feature in the adventure to communicate, ask if you need advice. You have 4 days before the adv will expire, Good Luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    Hmm, thanks, going by it seems to be fairly important which role you want to take on - is it usually considered best practice to have all your units ready to go before starting? I assume it's obvious enough how to invite other players once you've started it...

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Usermaatre View Post
    Hmm, thanks, going by it seems to be fairly important which role you want to take on - is it usually considered best practice to have all your units ready to go before starting? I assume it's obvious enough how to invite other players once you've started it...
    YEs, as the adventure requires all 3 players to perform a specific task, it can only be completed sucesfully if all finishe dtheir task.

    So nettiquette dictates that it is polite and considerate to have the troops needed and the generals needed available and ready to go when you start/invite people or join a coop.

    On a regular adventure you can clear at your own pace till such time that you invite others for a lootspot and you dont hhave that restriction

    A coop will fail if one person doesnt end their task (unless buff kills are used) - a normal adventure completing the final quest completes the adventure, regardless what individual players have done

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Your best plan would be to start the adventure and send the troops you need to use and maybe even kill the 3 camps in front of you, then ask on guild chat or trade if 2 others want to join and for one to kill the centre for you. Most will be happy to help.

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