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Thread: TSO Retails Pack Main Voucher Code Auction

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    TSO Retails Pack Main Voucher Code Auction

    Hi everyone,

    first of all i'd like to have a confirmation from BB staff that what i'm doing here it's not against any T&Cs.

    I will be selling a TSO Retails pack main and secondary voucher codes (by next monday/tuesday).

    The main voucher contains:
    • 500 gems
    • 250 gold coins
    • 1 Battle Hardened General (it will be added to your specialists also if you already have the maximum number of hardened general).
    • 1 Watermill
    • 1 Silo

    The auction price for it starts on 6.5k gold coins.

    The secondary voucher contains (there are 4 of them available for sale):
    • 500 gems

    The starting price for the secondary codes is 1250 gold coins each.

    If you would like to bid for these auctions , just reply to this thread with a message like these (more or less):

    - Main voucher code. Offer: 7000coins.
    - Secondary voucher code. Offer: 1500coins.

    I will post an update when i'll receive the boxes saying when the auctions will end.

    Thank you all and good luck

    Again, this has to be approved by BB. If this kind of things are not allowed just delete this thread and I apologize in advance.


    nuaz - Newfoundland
    Last edited by nuaz; 31.03.12 at 23:49.

  2. #2
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    im sorry but 500gems isnt worth 1250coins as a starting price.. since you can buy gem deeds 2c each or well thats already a pretty high price im getting gems for about 1,6coins each..
    -Everyday I´m Settling Settling-

  3. #3
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    starting bit 1500c for 500 gem ??? "Starting bid" ?????? i can easily buy 10 parrots with 1500c which is 750 gems,
    even the starting bid doesn't worth it, imagine that it could go higher! Thanks but no thanks !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I already have buyers for secondary codes that actually offered more than my starting price.
    Other than that it's a free market you're definetely free to not bid but I don't think my prices are that crazy

  5. #5
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    yeap, and i already sold a parrot for 500c today, hahaa..... of course you'r free to sell at the price you want to !!! even if it's close to scamming it's not against the rules anyway, just wanted you to know my idea about the price i think the bid should start from 500c so it can go up to 1500c, not to start from 1250c in the hope that it would go for 3k, 4k !!! you don't start an aution from it's maximum price !!!! u start from minimum !

  6. #6
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Handsomee View Post
    you don't start an aution from it's maximum price !!!! u start from minimum !
    -Everyday I´m Settling Settling-

  7. #7
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    i think it is fairly reasonable as u can use gems for building licenses, which ends up less gems per license with more utility and then if you convert it to gc per noblet, u will get em same price but more flexibility- 1250 for 500 gems is not a crazy figure imo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    it's absolutely not a crazy figure. Gem's SHOULD be at a premium, those who want to play F2P need to realise that it comes with the gold coin price, and those people shouldn't be allowed to devalue the gem/gc ratio. The trading going on in global-3 for codes/eggs is reversely boardering on the scamming level. This guy should be allowed to aution the codes for what he want's without the harassment from players who want the codes at a bargain basement price. You don't think they're worth his price, no problem, someone will think it's fair and buy them without your negative comments.

  9. #9
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    In that case, selling The codes at only 100% higher than the starting bid (which is not much) to qualan and beer (14000c), since it's an auction, lets see if you will buy from me

    The whole idea is that when u say "Auction" , it means that the price can go higher or lower than the fair and actual price, if you get a lower price, you sell it. if u get a much higher price, again you sell it... Don't name it "Auction" if you are starting from the actual price !! or search in "define Auction" or "how to auction". there's a huge difference between selling something and acutioning something..... If you could only write "i'm selling codes for 7000c", i ensure you, you wouldn't get even 1 reply we would just ignore the price if we wouldn't like it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Of course it's an auction, try using google yourself and search for auction reserves. He's simply put a reserve price on the items.


    A reserve price is an optional feature used by sellers to allow them to void the results of an auction if bidding does not reach their desired price.
    It's obvious you don't like the price, not a problem, go find a cheaper price rather than posting negative comments in an auction thread .and leave the seller in peace to find the best possible price for his goods.

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