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Thread: Gold production and general trading values

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Gold production and general trading values

    just a couple of suggestions. (probably been posted before)

    Firstly having made the mistake of building gold mines, smelters and coinage ive now realised that economically they were a total waste of time.

    They cost just under 7k of tools and 6k of marble and hardwood and yet they produce almost nothing per day.

    Even with an upgraded mine the production is awful and you either need to spend money on parrots or rebuild the mine when it runs out.

    The 300 gold you get from a mine makes 150 bars (with the addition of 8 coal) which make 37.5 gold in the smelter. You could have sold 400 hardwood or marble on the market and made 40 coins and saved the other 4k of resources it took to build.

    ok moan over.

    Could there also be a daily value of goods traded on the market as some other games have. Its quite hard for new players to guage the worth of goods and you often sell your resources cheaply early on without realising you need them later or are being ripped off. I've also seen messages within guilds to new players telling them to trade their horses with then or selling goods at over inflated prices for gold or other goods.
    Even if the market moves it should be fairly easy to track the trades done and therefor set a rough value for items.

  2. #2
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    May 2012
    You have unfortunately made the very common mistake of working all this out without taking into consideration the ability to buff you entire gold industry. But yes you are right, running everything unbuffed, there is no point as you say.

  3. #3
    Skilled Student Seltonejock's Avatar
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    May 2012
    even with buffing the fact remains that the gold industry is pointless when the market value of all the resources to build one far outweighs the return.

    Larger deposits of gold would help make mines more worthwhile, as would changing the ratios from smelters and coiners eg. making gold ores to a bar 1:1

    That or lessening the resource cost of mines considerably.

    As for the market values there is this website so far but maybe with improvements to the market we'll see fairer prices

  4. #4
    Jolly Advisor Dopey's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    I can’t see the point in letting us be able to spend gc and put down mines and buildings in order to produce more gc for free. They might as well just have a little icon we click and it takes 10gc from our treasury then 5 minutes later gives us back 30gc which we can do once a day or something. Forcing us to manage buffs on the buildings to make a profit gives it all an extra needed dynamic to make us work a little bit for the ‘free’ extra gc it then generates.

    I don’t like though how the current system is implemented in terms of people like the OP who figure out way to late they have gone through a large expense to now be forced to keep buffing everything to get there profit. In the new tutorial I hope they add an additional one that when the gold mine becomes available starts up a detailed explanation on screen of why they shouldn’t expect to be able to make money grow on trees without a little bit of extra effort.
    A little less compensation, a little more action please
    All this compensation ain't satisfactioning me
    A little more content and a little less bugged
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    Re-do PvP so its actually PvP and bluebyte satisfy me.
    Satisfy me bluebyte.

  5. #5
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Fully buffed a 300 gold mine should make 300gc. Roughly worked it out in my head to be doubling your cash. To make higher profits you need to have a leveled smelter and coinage to cut down on the needed buffs. As well a lvled and refilled mine helps.

  6. #6
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    NO fully buffed still makes only 150 gold which is usless again. To ubgrate 1 of your bilding it needs 500 gold so you must make nearly 5 gold mines and this is alot of resurses i hope they fix this cose i will just sell my bilding and never going to make gold again And if you dont use buffs you need 12 mines and nearly 12 days so you can make 1 ugrate ........

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2012
    lol, glad I'm not the first one stoping to look after gold mines.

    1 gold mine= 1400Hw, 1400Ma, 1500To
    1 goldsmelter= 2000Hw, 2000Ma, 2500To
    1 Coinage= 2500Hw, 2500Ma, 3000To

    Total = 5900Hw, 5900Ma, 7000To

    When makin coins unbuffed it cost 8 gold ore and 32 coal per coin.

    The first gold mine you make will give you 37,5 coins (300/8) and would cost you 5900Hardwood, 5900Marble, 7000Tool, 1200Coal...

    Thats f***** expensive!

    If you then buff all 3 parts it would cost you an additional 360Fish, 180Bread, 60Sausages, but tell me a thing: Does a buffed mine produce double the amount of ressources or just quicker?

    If the ressources double, the outcome would be 300Gc for only 1400Hw, 1400Ma, 1500To, 1200Co, 360Fi, 180Br, 60Sau... (saying you have already paid for the goldsmelter and coinage)

    Still think it is too expensive!

    Its easy to get that much by trading, you don't have to use your geologist, you don't have to produce buffs and you save 3 building licenses..

  8. #8
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Hippy_snow_wing View Post
    NO fully buffed still makes only 150 gold which is usless again. To ubgrate 1 of your bilding it needs 500 gold so you must make nearly 5 gold mines and this is alot of resurses i hope they fix this cose i will just sell my bilding and never going to make gold again And if you dont use buffs you need 12 mines and nearly 12 days so you can make 1 ugrate ........
    No, fully buffed mine, smelter and coinage will produce 300gc.

  9. #9
    Forum Explorer
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    Nov 2011
    So don't build gold production. Gold is supposed to be valuable hence the high cost of production. If it was easier the market would be flooded and gold would be worthless.

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    You always need to run gold production fuully buffed to make it worthwhile-

    gold production makes sense to have to some extent as it is profitable to run in the right circumstances. If you have 2 or 3 lines of production, the mines you can build, will supply sufficient ore to run em.

    building mines is not as expensive as it seems, with marble and planks being sold for as low as 6 gold per stack at times but u can get a steady stream for around 8 gold easy enough. upgrade to lvl 2 or 3 max (depending on price of tools) - lvl 2 will take 3 buffed sessions to deplete and will yield you 600 ore per mine (300 doubles with basket buffs)

    total cost of mine + buffs is in the order of 7 stacks of marble/wood @ 8 = 56 gold, 3 buffs at say 3 = 9 gold and 5 stacks of tools at around 12, being 60 gold.

    so total cost of extracting 600 gold will be around 125 gold coin. 1 stack of gold ore on broker is around 90 to 110 gc, so mining versus buying or mining for a profit will work already

    you can go through the whole production chain and every phase will run at a profit- smelting only sets you back coal-

    if you do the math for the whole chain- you end up with a total production cost of more or less 200 gold to get 300 gold, which is not a bad profit to run although if you are into trading you can probably do better.

    However, the biggest gain in yield/profit is from buying or finding gold refills in adventures and running em through a lvl 5 goldmine (buffed), but if you use the buildings for the slower and less profitable production in between the lean times, the overall profitability of gold production chain goes up because yes- initial cost to set up is high

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