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Thread: ban list or atleast a simple explanation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    ban list or atleast a simple explanation

    for the 2nd time it appears i have been banned and yet again with no explaination no reason no nothing, i really think it would really help if there was a "ban list" or a simple generic mail explaining why the person has been banned e.g. banned for X amount of time for spamming/insulting etc or atleast giving someone the option to defend them selfs.

    i spent 3 days trying to find out why i got banned the 1st time and it was because i told my guild mates to "ignore him kids got issues" the person i was refering to is a well known troll who used to follow me around baiting me into arguements.

    everything was fine this morning no problems went away for an hour came back and only got news tab.

    when i contacted support last time they said i wasnt banned but i was told by a developer they was just following the rules and banned me, mixed messages there so dont see the point it contacting them now, unless there is actually a way of getting information on why i only have "news" tab again and who/why i have been banned

  2. #2
    Erudite Pioneer
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    May 2012
    Hi it appears I have been banned as well with no explanation. I really wish that someone would at least get in touch to tell you what you have actually violated.

    I had a few words with someone lastnight because they starting being rude inside global-3 when I asked someone to use English as that is what the rules are.

    It makes me wonder why I try and uphold the rules and I didn't actually really say anything that wrong. And at the same time I was actually helping other people with the game in help.

    I play this game alot and have spent money here, and actually really enjoy the game and normally get on with everyone, and now I cant trade or play the game properly for reasons that I am stil unsure of.

    Surely if you are going to get banned for any reason you should be at least informed as at first I thought it must be a problem with the game, until another guild member told me I had been banned, so that raises another question how does he know and I dont ??

    Please can someone from support get back in touch as I really feel let down by this as I help so many people on this game and like to think that I am actually a respected person here.

    Well I guess I will have to sit and wait for a reply from someone now as i don't know what else to do.

    I would just like to state that I am very very dispaointed about this and guess if it isn't resolved quickly might be time to on, which makes it even worse as I have spent alot of money on my game and making it what I want.

    In future I will not try to help anyone, and stay away from all global chat areas. why am I also banned from my guild chat which should not be affected at all.

    I am an officer and had several things to do today to help people in the guild.

    I am very very unhappy and really didn't expect anything like this to happen.. I have never even used a swear word and where are the mods at the time when you need them to uphold the rules and chat rules ??? Instead I get banned the next day..

    I dont even know what else to say on this, I am extremely disapointed by the way this has been handled.

  3. #3
    Erudite Pioneer
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    May 2012
    Also sorry to have hi-jacked your thread Pking but I think that we have both been victims of a ban from the same time last night in global-3 but again I have had no explanation for this.

    If there is going to be bans put in place, I really think that whoever placed these bans should of read the who transcript from the time so they can see what is actually happening and then speak to those involved as you never get an idea of what is happening just from reading some of the txt.

    I would also like to have a full reason for my ban being placed on me, and a copy of the transcript from last night so that I can I can at least defend myself and put my point forward.
    If this can't even be done at least I would actually like a refund for the gems I have remaining on my account and then feel that I have wasted alot of money on a game that I actually enjoy and respect.

    I have always tried to look out for other players and respect for the game.. You have so many immature people on the game but its actually the people who play and respect the game that gets penalised.

    I am friends with alot of the mods here at sandycove also and if you ask them I am a very nice, polite and helpful person this is why this is even more annoying.

  4. #4
    Forum Explorer
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    It' my understanding you get a message (please don['t ask me how) explaining why and how long we were banned for. Either way ANY bans should be discussed with support, not posted here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    2 things..... 1st thing if u took a moment to jump of your high horse you would of noticed this is'nt the 1st time this has happened and i didnt recieve any information that time either so your understanding is wrong

    2nd thing.... if there was an issue with this thread i am 100% sure any developers or MOD's would act on it soooooo lets leave the policing up to the police buddy

  6. #6
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer Nukar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PKing View Post
    2 things..... 1st thing if u took a moment to jump of your high horse y
    Im not on sandycove, but if this is your normal responce style I do wonder if your tone might be casuing your problem here...
    as for bann complaints. They go to support
    Nevermind I give up

  7. #7
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    if people reply without actually making the effort to take in what has been written before they tend to get a similar response,

    "when i contacted support last time they said i wasnt banned but i was told by a developer they was just following the rules and banned me, mixed messages there so dont see the point it contacting them now, unless there is actually a way of getting information on why i only have "news" tab again and who/why i have been banned "

    i was hoping for atleast a little bit of information tht might be of use or atleast get a discussion going through ppl who have had similar experiances and whether bluebyte should look to a "ban list or simple explaination" , repeating "contact support" is pretty much as far frm tht as possible

    and again i shall repeat if there was a problem with this thread it would of been shut down leave the policing to the police your input no matter how important u think it is was pretty much pointless

  8. #8
    Aunt Irma’s Favourite Writer Nukar's Avatar
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    I think you have to adjust your expectations when it comes to forum modding. Its all volunteers
    Same as the ingame MODs. Thats why complaints about them have to go to support.
    I cant tell what whent wrong the last time you tried. But fact is thats the only place you will get any responce that is related to the reason of the ban.
    Nevermind I give up

  9. #9
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    i have zero issues with MOD's i no they are just players who a few extra responsibilities if anything i feel sorry for them with sum of the unsavoury charactors who lurk about on this game (surprising how many considering its such a slow paced classic)

    its more just the lack of explaination/warning tht bothered me and the gulf in tolerence tht seems to annoy sum players jst hoping to raise awareness of it so perhaps if they did send mail alot of the ppl who have been banned understand the reasons behind it and can act accordingly i.e change there attiude

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by PKing View Post
    2 things..... 1st thing if u took a moment to jump of your high horse you would of noticed this is'nt the 1st time this has happened and i didnt recieve any information that time either so your understanding is wrong

    2nd thing.... if there was an issue with this thread i am 100% sure any developers or MOD's would act on it soooooo lets leave the policing up to the police buddy
    And with that attitude you wonder why you get banned? I was simply stating facts, one of which I made clear I wasn't sure of

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